The Road Safety GB Twitter account has reached the milestone of 15,000 followers, further confirming its status as one of the leading sources of road safety output on social media across the UK.
Launched in February 2010, the account (@Road_Safety_GB) has gained more than 3,000 followers in the last 12 months, having passed the 12,000 mark in March 2016. Since then, it has picked up an average of 10 followers per day.
In June 2016, it was announced that the account was to be sponsored by Jenoptik Traffic Solutions UK.
In an ever-changing media landscape, social media has become an important communications tool for organisations in the 21st century.
Road Safety GB aims to use its online presence to spread ‘all things road safety’ to the largest audience possible. For example, in November 2016, posts on the Road Safety GB Twitter account had a social reach of more than 223,000.
November also saw the account attract almost 1,000 clicks to the website.
The Road Safety GB twitter feed now has considerably more followers than those operated by Road Safety Scotland, Road Safety Support, FIA Foundation and RAC Foundation, and has recently surpassed the IAM feed (12.8k followers).
Ahead of it in terms of followers are Brake (16.2k), RoSPA’s road safety account (16.5k) and DfT THINK! (18.9k).
Iain Temperton, Road Safety GB’s director of communication, said: “Our Twitter feed is continually evolving and has for some while been an essential part of our communications strategy; the success is a credit to Edward Seaman and his colleagues at Stennik who have given the feed an identity and tone that are both appealing and informative."
"While we do not consider ourselves to be in competition with other road safety media, we are naturally delighted that our Twitter feed is proving increasingly popular and well-read by people with an interest in road safety."
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