Following the success of the Festival of Road Safety, Road Safety GB has unveiled plans for another online event, this time focusing on the issue of PTW rider safety.
The online event, titled ‘PTW Riders: improving safety and reducing collisions and casualties’, replaces a conference of the same name which has been cancelled because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The PTW Riders event will be aired free-to-all during March 2021, commencing Monday 8 March, and will follow a similar format to the Festival of Road Safety which attracted more than 8,000 visits from road safety professionals and others during November 2020.
The programme will comprise a mix of pre-recorded video presentations, live discussion sessions and podcasts. To date, 13 contributors from academia, road safety and the PTW sector have already confirmed their participation.
A full programme will be published by mid-February, giving details of when the various presentations and sessions will be published.
Edward Seaman, who is leading on organising the PTW Riders event on behalf of Road Safety GB, said: “As all road safety professionals know, PTW riders are at a significantly higher risk of being involved in fatal or serious road injury collision than other road users.
“DfT figures show that in 2019, 336 PTW riders were killed on roads across Great Britain, that is 19% of all fatalities.
“In the same year there were 6,198 killed and seriously injured PTW casualties and a total of 16,224 casualties. This equates to a casualty rate of 5,051 per billion miles – compared to 195 among car occupants.
“This online event will feature experts from academia, road safety and the PTW sector outlining the measures they think we should be taking to help reduce collisions and casualties among PTW riders.”
Anyone interested in participating in the event by delivering a presentation should contact Edward Seaman by email, providing a brief overview of their proposed presentation and a brief speaker biog.
There is also an opportunity for a small number of organisations to support the PTW Riders event through sponsorship. For more details contact Nick Rawlings by email or on 01379 650112.
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