RSO publishes road rage ‘blueprint’

12.00 | 30 January 2014 | | 3 comments

Mayo County Council in Ireland has issued a “blueprint” for dealing with road rage in the wake of a TV documentary looking at stress and aggression on Irish roads. 

Mean Streets, screened on RTE on 26 January, concluded that “stress and aggression are commonplace on Irish roads”. The programme cited examples of “all-out altercations, bad manners and road rage played out almost every day on Irish streets”.

In an earlier survey of Irish drivers in 2012, 40% of respondents admitted “getting angry” while driving at least once a week – and 13% said they had gone as far as getting out of the vehicle in order to confront another driver.

Noel Gibbons, Mayo’s road safety officer, suggests that most “habitual aggressors” are in an argumentative and antagonistic state of mind even before they get into their car.

He said: “They see their car journey as a contest between themselves and other drivers who they believe shouldn’t be on the road in the first place.”

Noel Gibbons is warning drivers to become more aware of actions that are most likely to lead to a road rage incident. He says that these include slow driving, following too close to the car in front, unsafe lane changes, flashing headlights, blowing the car horn and obscene hand gestures.

He added: “In order to avoid a confrontation motorists should not over-react. They should put their pride in the back seat. Don’t challenge the other driver by speeding up or attempting to hold your own with them.

“Don’t endanger yourself by trying to evade the driver, don’t gesture or retaliate in any way and avoid eye contact.”

Noel Gibbons’ blueprint has been published on Mayo Council’s road safety Facebook page. For more information contact Noel Gibbons on 08778 70055.




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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Lock your doors, do not get close and personal. If pursued switch on hazard warning, flash headlamps repeatedly, drive to nearest police station or failing that a petrol station which is bound to be illuminated with a phone line to the police. Do not stop or pull into a layby. If pursued try to time arrival at traffic lights to leave pursuer facing a red light, on a motorway ensure the other driver is ahead at any junction so that he has to decide which road to take before you do. Have a passenger ring 999 from your mobile phone, but if not available phone yourself – calling for help in those circumstances would surely not be an offence.

      Idris Francis Fight Back with Facts Petersfield
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      There was nothing particularly new in the RTE programme ‘Mean Streets’ or Mayo County Council’s ‘Blueprint’ for road rage. Professional driving instructors have been endeavouring to impart the attitude skills and behavioural skills for years and stress the dangers of road rage and retaliation etc. Road rage is a relatively new word in the motorists’ repertoire. we used the expression ‘bad manners’ years ago and still do. Many experts consider that the attitude skill is the key factor. No matter how good your motor or cognitive skills are, it’s vitally important to possess the positive attitude skill. It’s good that that the various media types and road safety organisations keep plugging the message.

      Tom Harrington LL B Tralee, Co. Kerry
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      Either that or spend a couple of months driving on Belgium’s motorways. Seriously, well done Noel, a great campaign.

      Gareth, Surrey
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