The deadline for applications for The Road Safety Trust’s Spring 2024 Small Grants round is fast approaching.
The Road Safety Trust is an independent grant-giving trust supporting projects and research that make UK roads safer for all road users.
The main aim of the Spring 2024 Small Grants round is to improve road safety at a local level. This will be achieved by funding pilots or trials, expansions of successful trials across a new area, and/or the evaluation of road safety interventions.
The round opened on 21 March, closing on 24 April.
Applications of between £10,000 and £50,000 are welcomed from local authorities, police forces, fire and rescue services, registered charities, not-for-profit social enterprises, and community interest companies. Universities can also apply in partnership with another organisation.
All projects should have other sources of funding. Projects must also include plans for monitoring and evaluation and an element of partnership and collaboration.
The maximum project length under this grant programme is 24 months.
A host of detailed guidance and support is also available via The Road Safety Trust website, including the newly-developed editable Application Workbook.
Ruth Purdie OBE, chief executive of The Road Safety Trust, said: “The purpose of The Road Safety Trust is to make UK roads safer, achieving impact through the funding of practical measures, research, dissemination and education initiatives.
“In making decisions, we will take a strategic approach so that a range of different types of projects are funded that have the potential to improve road safety outcomes. All projects are expected to produce a report and describe how it will be shared and promoted.”
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