Youngsters in Torfaen are helping to spruce up subways in Cwmbran as part of a walk to school initiative.
Seven subways are being repainted and 38 panels of artwork designed by local pupils and youth groups will be displayed later this year.
Cllr John Cunningham said: "The work will breathe new life into the subways, making the area more attractive. We also hope the improvement works will encourage more people to walk and leave their cars at home."
Kate Kerr, RSO for Torfaen said: “This great project has given those involved the opportunity to discuss and think about travelling to and from school safely.
“Any initiative which helps make it safer and easier for children to walk to and from school is great. The fact that the children themselves have been involved in the process makes it ever better.”
For more information contact Kate Kerr on 07818 036941.
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