Schools urged to check speed signs are set to right times

11.06 | 19 November 2019 |

Road safety signs manufacturer Westcotec is encouraging councils and roads authorities to ensure their temporary school speed limit signs are switching on and off at the right times.

The call follows enquiries from concerned members of the public that the hours of operation for some temporary 20mph signs outside schools have not been updated since the clocks went back last month. 

This means the signs are switching on and off an hour too early, which Westcotec says not only removes their effect on children’s safety, but also leads to a negative impact on the signs’ credibility.

Founded in 2001, Westcotec provides its clients – many of whom are local authorities – with a range of products including speed signs and vehicle activated signs.

In September, Westcotec celebrated a major milestone, delivering its 10,000th sign.

With Road Safety Week now in full flow, Westcotec is encouraging authorities to ensure their temporary signs are updated to work at the correct times of day, to ensure the maximum safety for the children the systems are there to protect.

Chris Spinks, Westcotec managing director, said: “Our signs are nearly all pre-programmable up to six years ahead.

“This means you can to take into account clock changes, school holidays and half-terms as well as out-of-hours school clubs and inset days – and in so doing you ensure that you are not wasting any of your investment by allowing the signs to be switched on when they’re not needed – or off when they are needed.

“Our newest signs, as well as being pre-programmable, can now be reset remotely using a simple app in connection with Bluetooth technology. Remote updating is also available to synchronise sign systems across wider areas.”



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