The Scottish Government has announced its intention to introduce legislation to ensure that seatbelts are provided on all dedicated school transport.
The Scottish Government has been given approval ‘in principle’ from the UK Government to transfer the necessary powers to the Scottish Parliament in relation to school bus safety.
Once powers have been transferred, Scottish ministers will seek to legislate to ensure that seatbelts are introduced by way of a phased roll out, giving local authorities and bus operators across Scotland time to adapt to the change.
Keith Brown, transport minister, said: “I am pleased to announce the Scottish Government’s intention to legislate to ensure that seatbelts are provided for children to use while travelling to and from school on dedicated school transport.
“We have made this announcement today to give local authorities and bus operators time to prepare for the change and I look forward to further discussions with CoSLA (Convention of Scottish Local Authorities) next month to review the full detail of these plans and consider the financial implications.
“The Scottish Government and its road safety partners are committed to the outcome of safer road travel in Scotland for everyone. It is imperative that we do everything we can to protect Scotland’s children, ensuring they are as safe as possible as they travel to and from school.”
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