A scheme developed by a Scottish secondary school has picked up the ultimate accolade in the European Road Safety Charter’s (ERSC) Excellence in Road Safety Awards 2016.
Lockerbie Academy, which has about 750 pupils on roll, first won the ‘School Challenge’ category for its innovative educational programme designed to raise awareness of road safety – before going on to receive the ‘Jury’s Prize’ prize, voted for by members of the public who were present at the ceremony. The awards were received by Kenneth James Hargreaves (pictured).
Lockerbie Academy has introduced road safety themes to physics lessons and worked with police officers to talk through collision investigation techniques, linking them to core concepts of measuring force and velocity.
160 submissions were put forward for the 2016 ERSC awards, covering a wide range of subjects including vehicle technology, infrastructure improvements and education schemes. The five award-winning schemes came from Spain, Denmark, Poland, Albania and the UK.
The awards were presented last Friday (20 May) in Brussels by Violeta Bulc, the EU’s commissioner for transport. The ceremony brought together non-governmental organisations as well as public and private entities from the European Union and beyond.
In a blog post about the awards ceremony and the Lockerbie scheme, Richard Owen from Road Safety Analysis, said: “Unlike the vast majority of in-school interventions that seek to provide information and encourage road users to act safely, this embedded road safety within a subject, and this won over the jury.”
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