School crossing patrols (SCPs) from across the UK have been celebrating the service’s Diamond Jubilee with a variety of events.
Thurrock’s SCPs (opposite) celebrated the service’s Diamond Jubilee with afternoon tea at Orsett Hall on 5 June.
Councillor Fish, mayor of Thurrock, attended the event and the SCPs were presented with a commemorative badge and framed certificate, provided by Road Safety GB, to mark the milestone.
The mayor said: “SCPs deliver an excellent service to the public and we thought it would be good for team morale to formally recognise our staff who deliver this service. They often remain unnoticed other than by the community they serve.”
While the idea was first mooted in the late 1940s, the SCP service was officially created by the School Crossing Patrol Act in 1953, and the first official patrol started work in 1954. While the uniform and sign have changed to meet modern standards – and patrols can now stop traffic to cross any pedestrian, adult or child – the role is essentially the same today as it was 60 years ago.
For more information about Thurrock’s celebrations contact Denise Langan on 01375 413386.
Other Diamond Jubilee celebrations around the country include:
In Warrington SCPs celebrated the Diamond Jubilee with afternoon tea at the Town Hall. They were also presented with a commemorative badge and certificate. More
In Southend a tea party was held for the borough’s 14 SCPs. Southend’s mayor hosted the party at his official residence. More
Dorset’s SCPs were invited to County Hall in Dorchester for a Diamond Jubilee celebration on 25 April. More
Somerset Road Safety will be presenting a badge to each SCP as a memento to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee.
Terry Beale Road Safety Manager