Fluorescent ‘beanie hats’ have helped Medway’s SCPs stay warm and bright this winter.
Andy Dickinson (left in picture), safer journeys officer, said: “Our patrols are used to braving all weather conditions but this winter has seen some extreme temperatures.
“We are advising drivers to help patrols by paying careful attention to them while they are on duty on our roads.
“SCPs help both children and adults cross the road safely and we ask drivers to be patient to ensure they can do this.”
Drivers in Medway have also been reminded to ensure that their vehicles are adequately cleared of ice and snow, especially lights, windows and roofs, to ensure drivers can see the roads and footpaths clearly. This also makes the SCPs safer.
For more information contact Anna Hinde, Medway Council media officer, on 01634 332562.
Hello and yes I can confirm that Kath Greenaway of Luton has obtained and forwarded an email from the Home Office confirming the beanie hats would comply with the requirements of the Circular.
Susan Negus, Medway
Home Office Circular 3/1989 does indeed state peaked cap, beret or turban and this was reflected in RSGB guidelines of June 2010 as awaiting home office approval.
When issuing the beanie hats, we considered that these are guidelines that are likely to become compulsory in 2013. We referred to the guidance on http://www.roadsafetywales.org.uk/scp/uniform.htm when making this decision as many or our patrols were wearing headwear that wasn’t of an approved colour in an attempt to keep warm. It was also felt that the examples given in the guidance are wide ranging but had certain common features i.e. colour, form and position worn. Neither berets nor turbans have a peak and both sit on top of the head. The beanie hats fit in a similar manner and do not impair the operators’ view of the road. In essence, we felt that the spirit of the guidance was to ensure that visibility of operators is maximised while maintaining the ability to see and control traffic and pedestrians effectively.
When sending the hats to schools, it was emphasised that these are a cold weather item and that under normal circumstances the schools should ensure that the patrols are equipped appropriately.
Andy Dickinson, Medway Council
Can you please confirm that these meet the legal requirements of the uniform.
I thought patrols had to wear a peaked cap, beret or yellow turban.
Jon Astridge, North Somerset Council