Second successive record for Road Safety GB website

12.00 | 10 December 2013 | | 6 comments

A record number of people visited the Road Safety GB website in November 2013, for a second consecutive month.


The site received 21,703 visits in November, beating the previous record of 20,440 which was set in October 2013.

In terms of unique visitors, the November figure was 14,227, a significant increase of 12% over the previous record of 12,694 achieved in May 2013.

At 59,743, the site also received a record number of page views, beating the previous high of 58,030 in January 2013.

The two news stories that attracted the highest number of visits during the month were the report on the debate about 20mph limits at National Conference, and a report about surprising results in National Signposts 2013

Nick Rawlings, editor of Road Safety News, said: “Naturally we are delighted that our readership continues to increase. It is an indication that there is healthy interest in road safety from both within and outside the profession.

“It is likely that the National Conference in Harrogate attracted some new readers – possibly as a result of the excellent live twitter feed from the conference hall.”


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Duncan’s suggestion for some form of online discussion is interesting and something that our Web and Comms team can look into.

      We do already host a monthly online forum within the members section, with a different specialist answering members questions.

      Honor Byford, Chair, Road Safety GB
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      Our primary role on this newsfeed is to report the news, not to make it.

      Nick Rawlings, editor, Road Safety News
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      I’m one of the people that view the RSGB website on a regular basis and I do so to keep up to date with a whole range of topics. The website keeps me up to date with what’s happening in the national news in terms of policy and Government thinking. The local stories about campaigns let me see what others are doing e.g. young people or drink driving etc. Whilst the research articles give me a quick heads up to what’s going on in the world academia, I use the website as a starting point to go on and find out more about the subjects I’m interested in.

      I don’t often post up a view; this doesn’t mean I’m not interested. I just don’t feel the need to express an opinion about every single subject.

      Ruth Gore, Safer Roads Humber
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      Perhaps the problem lies with the fact that the main part of the site is simply a press-release archive and has no campaigning ethos of its own. It would be much better for all concerned if the site was to be a bit more proactive in asking challenging questions of the readership and encouraging people to join in the search for answers rather than sitting on the sidelines. Currently the only way someone can contribute is in response to a news item, but what if they had an observation that would benefit from a wider airing yet did not quite fit in with the news stream? Many newspapers have a ‘questions from correspondents’ feature so perhaps something like that might enliven the activity on the site?

      Duncan MacKillop, Stratford on Avon
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      Hugh, I agree with your below comment regarding lack of input to the forums. It does appear to be a limited number that comment. Being somewhat cynical I would venture to guess that many are not happy to air their views and opinions on a public forum for fear of being identified as perhaps not towing the party line.

      Agree (0) | Disagree (0)

      Considering the huge number of readers of this news feed who, I presume, must have an interest – professional or otherwise – in this subject, it’s disappointing that almost all of them would appear to have no actual opinions whatsoever on any of the stories or comments judging by the average number of ‘Agrees and ‘Disagrees.

      Hugh Jones, Cheshire
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