A feature published in the Guardian earlier this week concluded that a shift in driver attitude is the biggest catalyst for further reducing road crashes and casualties.
In the feature, Eleanor Besley, policy and research office at PACTS, said: “Enforcement, education, training and publicity are essential tools in the behavioural change challenge….(but) it is important the delivery partners work together to ensure that messages are coherent."
A spokesperson for RoadSafe said: "There are other methods than speed cameras to manage speed, including awareness-raising programmes such as the DfT’s THINK! campaign, driver behaviour and speed management courses, which have proved very effective."
Iain Dale, the Conservative blogger and broadcaster, was highly sceptical when forced to attend a speed awareness course in order to save his driving license. The course was run by a middle-aged woman who explained that five years previously, her 13-year-old daughter had been hit by a car travelling at 37mph and was still receiving treatment for the injuries she sustained.
Iain Dale said: “I thought it would be a waste of time but it was better than losing my license. The course did have an impact on my behavior and I became much more aware of what other people do, too."
Click here to read the full Guardian feature.
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