Cycle Experience has been appointed to deliver Bikeability training to primary and secondary schools on behalf of Shropshire Council.
Under the contract which runs until March 2016, Bikeability cycle training will continue to be offered free of charge to all primary and secondary schools across Shropshire.
The courses will be delivered by local instructors, many of whom have previous experience of delivering cycle training in Shropshire’s schools.
Claire Wild, cabinet member for highways and transport, said: “By working with the private sector we are now able to offer schools a standard course for free.
“With no charge, and Cycle Experience’s expertise, we look forward to seeing an increased number of schools providing children with the skills and confidence to cycle safely on road, to school and on into adulthood.”
Cycle Experience
Cycle Experience, part of the TTC Group, delivers National Standard (Bikeability) cycle training to more than 20,000 children and adults each year. It also runs schools, workplace and community based ‘Try Cycling’ programmes, try-out cycle roadshows for commuters, schoolchildren and the general public, guided rides, mountain bike skills courses and cycle maintenance courses.
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