The 2018 National Road Safety Conference organising committee has issued a call for papers, having highlighted a number of themes and topics to be covered in the agenda.
The 10th edition of the annual event will take place at The Grand in Brighton on 27-28 November and is once again sponsored by Colas, insurethebox and Jenoptik Traffic Solutions. This will be the second time the conference has been held in Brighton, with the 2014 event also staged at the same iconic venue.
The conference will set out to demonstrate how road safety professionals can combine the four ‘E’s’ – education, enforcement and engineering, underpinned by evidence – to deliver casualty reduction improvements, despite challenging budgetary and resource constraints.
The conference committee is seeking expressions of interest from road safety professionals, academics and other suitably qualified and/or experienced individuals wishing to deliver a presentation at the conference.
In particular, the committee is keen to hear from people wishing to contribute to the following sessions:
Speed dating for road safety professionals
A series of quick fire presentations (5 mins) by road safety practitioners, backed by poster presentations, outlining schemes and interventions they have, or are currently, implementing. All presentations will relate to road safety education, enforcement or engineering and should be backed by evaluation/evidence.
Focus on cycling
This session will comprise a series of presentations covering cycling-related topics which may include some or all of the following: cycling towns and cities, cycle hire schemes, e-bikes, cycling infrastructure, anti-social cycling, cycling for work (deliveries etc), cycle training initiatives etc
Topical topics
A series of quick fire presentations covering a wide range of topics. Among others, the conference committee is hoping to secure speakers to cover the following topics: drug driving, older road users, LGV drivers, and the use of technology in road safety interventions.
The 2018 Fringe programme
The Fringe programme will comprise two or three sessions running in tandem with the main programme. One of these sessions will focus on ‘road safety interventions that didn’t work’, in which presenters will share the results of schemes that could be described as ‘less than successful’.
Optional workshops (‘Pick my brains’)
Day one will conclude with a series of workshops in which experienced practitioners facilitate discussions on specific road safety topics. Topics the conference committee hopes to cover this year include ‘dealing with politicians’ and ‘working in partnership/managing partnership relationships’.
Speakers – how to apply
Anyone interested in speaking at the conference should provide a proposed title and single paragraph summary of their proposed presentation, along with a single paragraph speaker profile.
Click here for more information about the conference programme, or contact Nick Rawlings by email or on 01379 650112.
Book to attend
More than 100 people have already registered to attend the conference. Click here for details of the delegate fees and/or to book a place to attend.
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