A series of quick fire presentations (5 mins) by road safety practitioners, backed by poster presentations, outlining schemes and interventions they have, or are currently, implementing.
- Cheryl Evans, Senior Road Safety Officer, West Berkshire Council
- Debbie Huckle, London Road Safety Council and Road Safety Officer for London Borough of Brent
- Alison Williams, Senior Road Safety Officer, Warwickshire County Council
- Vicky Harvey, Road Safety Team Leader, Kent County Council
- Matt Staton, Road Safety Education Team Leader, Cambridgeshire County Council
- Steve Ferris, Agilysis (on behalf of Safer Roads Berkshire)
- Alan Hiscox, Director of Safety, British Horse Society
- Dr Jeremy Leach, Principal Policy Advisor, Wealden District Council
- Dan Campsall, Representing West Berkshire Council & Agilysis
- Paul Speight, Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service
- Jan Jung, Chief Executive, CSW Online Ltd
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16.25 – Jan Jung, Chief Executive, CSW Online Ltd
A Danish-born producer, script writer and director, Jan Jung settled in the UK in 2005 and has since 2012 been involved with road safety organisations both as a police volunteer working for Surrey & Sussex Police, but also professionally as chief executive of the rapidly expanding Community Speedwatch Online
Under his stewardship, the organisation has grown from a handful of concerned citizens in a corner of East Sussex to almost 3,000 fully trained operators organised in more than 600 groups across the UK.

Community Speedwatch Online
Currently managing over 600 groups with more than 3,500 trained volunteers proactively taking part in educating speeding drivers.
Organised nationally with all schemes working to the same rules, standards, methodologies and outcomes.
It is estimated that up to 75,000 volunteers can actually make a difference in reducing the number of killed and seriously injured in road collisions.
- Community Speedwatch: the national organisation
- Community Speedwatch Online: the tool necessary to make it happen
16.20 – Paul Speight, Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service
Paul Speight joined Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service in 1988. After serving 16 years at different fire and rescue stations as a firefighter and Crew Manager, he transferred into the Community Safety Support Team as Watch Manager.

Virtual Reality Education of the Future
Following on from VRF 360
90 second ‘lifesavers’ films – pedestrians, push bikes & motorcycles
First 45 secs – what could go wrong
Second 45 secs – doing it correctly
Pedestrian film – headphone distraction, not using crossing. Inside the car – phone distraction (no speeding involved)
Push bike – not wearing helmet, no hi-viz clothing. Inside the car – distractions from other people.
Motorcycle – Incorrect PPE (personal protection). Inside the car; phone distraction (hands free)
16.15 – Dan Campsall, representing West Berkshire Council & Agilysis
Dan Campsall is an experienced marketing and communications professional, who has oversight of a portfolio of campaigns, PR and marketing initiatives that embraces everything from car seat safety and child pedestrian training, to young drivers and motorcyclists.

Route Guard: secure & independent – every step of the way
- A pioneering new app that helps families to plan travel together – providing reassurance for parents and young people alike
- KS3: ‘if you had a choice’ – 23.6% would walk; 31.4% cycle
- Launching 2019
16.10 – Dr Jeremy Leach, Principal Policy Advisor, Wealden District Council
Jeremy started the Wealden Behavioural Insights Team which now includes members from Sussex Police, East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service and South East Coast Ambulance Service.
The team represents a new model of collaborative working on issues of common interest and uses insights from the behavioural sciences to improve outcomes for the agencies and the public.

We’re keeping an eye on you
The Wealden District
- Over 800 miles of roads (only 11 miles of dual carriageway)
- Poor road safety record
- Young male drivers at particular risk
- Speed features in the top causatory factors
What we have done…
Social Marketing Project with young male drivers
- Focus groups
- Self-completed questionnaire
Survey of attendees at behaviour training courses
Insights from the behavioural sciences:
- If we think we are being watched most people behave more virtuously
- Availability and simulation
- Loss aversion
- Optimism bias
- Negativity bias
Testing our project
- Pilot tests in areas where there is a history of non-compliance with speed limits
- An online questionnaire
- Further tests in areas where there are active Community Speedwatch schemes
Conclusions and the way forward…
- Change the siting of the signs regularly
- Try and use them where there is likely to be some form of visible speed checks
- Investigating other road safety messages and tying them into other campaigns
16.05 – Alan Hiscox, Director of Safety, British Horse Society
Alan Hiscox is the strategic lead for the implementation and management of the British Horse Society’s charitable objectives regarding safety for horse riders.
He is also responsible for assessing current and potential opportunities to develop all aspects of safety within equestrian sector.

‘Dead Slow’ virtual reality film
- 2,902 reports of road incidents involving horses in past 7 years:
- 39 rider deaths
- 230 horse deaths
- 840 horses injured
85% of these incidents were because vehicles passed too fast or too close to the horse.
Only one in 10 incidents are reported
Dead Slow campaign
- Educating drivers how to pass horses safely
- Influencing driver behaviour when they see a horse on the road
Safer drivers
- Improve knowledge, attitude and behaviour
What information is the British Horse Society giving to drivers about horses?
- Slow down to a maximum 15mph
- Be patient, don’t sound your horn/rev engine
- When safe to do so, pass the horse wide and slow (at least a cars width, if possible)
- Drive slowly away
Horses can move very quickly – they weigh up to ¾ tonne and will cause serious damage to your vehicle
Safer riders
Report all incidents including near misses to BHS on www.horseaccidents.org.uk
16.00 – Steve Ferris, Agilysis (on behalf of Safer Roads Berkshire)
As part of the Agilysis team, Steve has worked on a number of creative and technical projects that have sought to draw together the relationship between data and delivery, to produce high quality and engaging education packages that work.

Presentation: Get Your Coat
Get Your Coat is an app intended to provide an easy planning tool for travel after a night out to ensure people can get home safely.
- Responsive alcohol consumption calculator – with feedback reminders when you exceed recommended limits (road safety & general health)
- Programmable contact hot keys – favoured taxi number, designated driver/lift
- Quick call
- Location aware messaging
- Bus/train timer – last bus or train
- Quick search function
- Safe and unsafe messaging
- Advice and direction to support
15.55 – Matt Staton, Road Safety Education Team Leader, Cambridgeshire County Council
Matt is the road safety education team leader at Cambridgeshire County Council and chair of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Road Safety Partnership’s Data and Intelligence Group.
He joined the road safety team in Cambridgeshire 10 years ago and now leads the team of seven staff in researching, developing, implementing and delivering road safety education activities across Cambridgeshire for all ages.

Presentation: Cambs Drive iQ
Key elements:
- Hazard perception
- Focus on attitude
- Delivered over period of time
- Local relevance
- More than 1,600 students engaged in the programme in our first year
- Process evaluation – reduced number of core modules
- Outcome evaluation – study using comparison groups underway
15.50 – Vicky Harvey, Road Safety Team Leader, Kent County Council
Vicky has worked in the Kent County Council road safety team since 2009. In that time she has been involved in a range of education, training and publicity interventions across all age groups and road user types.

Presentation: Speak Out
- An award-winning multi-channel campaign
- Featuring real friends talking about friendship and trust
- Pre-programmed coping strategies to draw on and builds confidence to use them
- Raises awareness, increases knowledge and positively affects intended behaviour
Who and why:
- Car occupants 16-24 = 23% KSI casualties (11% population)
- Last 3 years = 193
- YD kill/injure more of their passengers than any other age group
- Majority of 16-24 year olds keep quiet rather than tell a driver they are concerned
Our approach:
- Intelligence led
- 2017 RAC Foundation report
- Peer pressure and influence
- Empowers young people
- Focuses on “good” norms and positives
- What they can do rather than what not to do
- 75% would say something if concerned by a driver’s behaviour (target at least 50%)
- 83% could recall at least one coping strategy (target 60%)
- 77% of drivers positively changed their behaviour or had their behaviour positively reinforced (target 75%)
- 87% of drivers indicated that they would Speak Out if concerned by a passenger’s behaviour (up 9% on baseline)
15.45 – Alison Williams, Senior Road Safety Officer, Warwickshire County Council
Alison Williams has worked in local government for 33 years and has over 20 years of experience in the field of road safety – organising and delivering road safety interventions and campaigns to both children and adults.
Alison developed and now manages the Warwickshire Road Safety Club for primary school children and Driving Ambitions programme for secondary age students.

The Warwickshire Way
Opportunity to reform:
- Step 1: Research
- Step 2: Develop commercially viable product and evaluate
- Step 3: Promote
The product includes:
- BCT’s
- Cooperative learning
- Re-brand
- Capacity
- Evaluation
Generating funding streams:
- Keep sponsorship local
- Encourage and support schools to self fund
- Explore alternatives
The learning curve:
- Excellent product
- Quality over quantity
- Invest in good evaluation
- Be radical and innovative
15.40 – Debbie Huckle, London Road Safety Council and Road Safety Officer for London Borough of Brent
Debbie is the team leader for safety and travel planning at the London Borough of Brent and the honorary secretary of the London Road Safety Council.
Debbie has a keen interest in motorcycle safety, especially as the renowned Ace Café is located in Brent, and given her role as vice chair of the 2Wheels London Stakeholder Group.

2Wheels London
- Sales of smaller PTWs on the rise
- A vulnerable road user group
The initiative:
- Managed by London Road Safety Council
- 13 London boroughs and local businesses
- Target: riders and employers
- Latest news
- Rider information
- Details of training available
- Employers toolkit
- Blog
Social media:
- Twitter (@2WLondon)
- Competitions!
15.35 – Cheryl Evans, Senior Road Safety Officer, West Berkshire Council
Cheryl is a senior road safety officer at West Berkshire Council with a personal interest in young drivers, powered two wheelers, work related road safety and older drivers.
She is also the Road Safety GB Policy & Management representative and regional secretary for Road Safety GB South East Region.

Bikes, Big Trucks and You
Partnership between Royal Mail and Berkshire local authorities
Royal Mail has invested heavily as a CSR project
Addresses the significant increase in risk to child pedestrians and cyclists as they move into secondary education and independent travel – especially around HGVs
After six months, there was a rise in the number of children wearing high visibility clothing (17%) and those with lights on their bike (19%).
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