A campaign warning young people about the dangers of driving the morning after drinking, and not wearing a seatbelt, was launched at the V Festival in Staffordshire (20 – 21 August).
Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership is spearheading the ‘Game Over’ campaign which includes a ‘morning after calculator’ on the partnership’s website. The calculator helps motorists to work out how much alcohol is likely to be in their blood the morning after drinking, and at approximately what point it will have left their system.
Police and fire officers will be at stop checks handing out leaflets informing revellers of the dangers over the next four months. Posters will also be going up at fresher fayres, pubs, shopping centres and youth clubs. The campaign also includes radio and social networking sites.
Councillor Mike Maryon, Staffordshire County Council’s cabinet member for highways and transport, said: “V Festival is one of Staffordshire’s biggest events so it was the best time to launch a campaign about the life time hang-over of guilt that can follow taking to the road the morning after a drinking session or not making friends belt up.
“It takes a long time for the after effects of alcohol to wear off – and far too many young people just don’t know how to read the signs that could save their lives. All too often it’s their friends who suffer. This hard hitting initiative has two very clear messages – over the limit, under arrest and no belt, no brains.”
Click here to visit the campaign website, or for more information contact Chloe Shrubb on 01785 278356.
I congratulate Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership for a great road safety initiative and an excellent interactive website.
Charles Dunn, RoadDriver.co.uk