Road safety organisations are now invited to put forward submissions for The Road Safety Knowledge Centre (Knowledge Centre), which will go live in early August.
The Knowledge Centre, which is being developed by Road Safety GB with funding provided by the DfT, will replace Road Safety Time Bank. It will comprise a web-based library of road safety related information and expertise which will be made available free of charge to anyone who registers as a subscriber.
Nick Rawlings, who is coordinating submissions on behalf of the project team, says: “We’re looking for road safety publicity campaigns, reports and research, and examples of engineering, enforcement and other initiatives. Information likely to be of interest to road safety professionals across the UK, which they can either replicate or use as the basis for an initiative or intervention that they are planning in their local area.
“We think the Knowledge Centre will play an important role in removing the need for road safety professionals to continually reinvent the wheel. We hope people will refer to the Knowledge Centre before developing an intervention or initiative, to see whether there is anything already developed that they can use or adapt.”
Click here to download the criteria for submissions (PDF). Click here to download the submission form (Word).
For more information about the Knowledge Centre contact Nick Rawlings on 01379 650112.
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