Teenagers’ resource updated

16.31 | 10 March 2011 |

A new edition of a road safety tool box aimed at teenagers has been distributed to all secondary schools in South Lanarkshire.

Crash Magnets engages students in their mid to late teens and includes curricular links to health and wellbeing, literacy, numeracy, drama, social studies and personal and social education.

The new edition of Crash Magnets encourages young people to acknowledge the choices they have as independent travellers, as well as the risks and responsibilities of becoming a driver. It seeks to engage young people in the importance of positive attitudes and behaviours before they get behind the wheel of a car.

Councillor John Murray, chair of South Lanarkshire Council’s Road Safety Forum, said: “Road safety education is vitally important in shaping opinions and attitudes to speeding; drink-driving, drug-driving and in-car safety.

“Crash Magnets targets young people before they pass the driving test, to try and ensure their wellbeing on the road by encouraging them to make the right decisions for themselves, and others, in the same way that they would on any other health issue.

“As the next generation of road users they are one of the most important groups to target to get the road safety message across.”

For more information contact James Davitt from South Lanarkshire Council on 01698 453 857.


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