TfL and IAM among European award winners

12.00 | 20 October 2015 | | 1 comment

Transport for London (TFL) and the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) have been named among the winners at the 2015 PRAISE awards.

Organised by the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) the PRAISE awards recognise organisations that have taken ‘outstanding measures’ to improve road safety at work.

The winners will be honoured at a conference and award ceremony to be held in Brussels today (20 October).

Antonio Avenoso, executive director of ETSC, said: “Road safety is everyone’s business. Organisations, large and small, have a pivotal role to play by putting road safety considerations at the heart of their operations.

“The companies and organisations we are recognising today are driving the change with initiatives that reduce collisions, prevent injuries and also help the bottom line.”

TfL will receive the ‘Public authority award’ for its work to improve safety among its public transport employees. The PRAISE awards judges were particularly impressed with TfL’s work to risk assess all of its 3,820 drivers; the fact that all collisions, incidents and near misses are reported and investigated; and TfL’s construction logistics and freight operator recognition schemes.

IAM will receive the ‘Small and medium-sized enterprise award’. The judging panel highlighted IAM initiatives including an online and on-road risk assessment of all staff driving on work business; the use of annual targets to reduce mileage and the number of collisions; and a company car scheme that requires Euro NCAP five star rating.

Sarah Sillars, IAM chief executive officer, said: “We are honoured to have been recognised by the ETSC for our work in ensuring our employees don’t just talk about road safety, they live it through the business they do in our name.

“Company operators have a duty to their employees and the public that those driving in their name have undergone a high level of driver training before motoring for business.

“Not only do we wish to improve levels of road safety but very importantly increase people’s driving experience and reduce costs for operators by minimising incidents and accidents.”



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      TfL are to be congratulated simply because all collisions, incidents and near misses in their public transport operations are reported and investigated. Maybe this is something the rest of the industry could copy.

      Duncan MacKillop. No surprise – No accident.
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