TfL premieres new film to improve cycle safety

11.04 | 16 July 2009 |

More than 140,000 cyclists are being sent a link to a new safety training film by Transport for London (TfL) to reduce the number of cyclists killed and injured in the Capital.
The five minute film is designed to help cyclists and lorry drivers navigate London´s busy roads – and each other – safely.

Filmed from the cyclists and drivers points of view, it outlines a series of golden rules:-

Drivers of left-turning goods vehicles must keep checking their left mirror for cyclists;
Cyclists should remember that if they can’t see a vehicle’s mirrors, they probably can’t be seen by the driver;
• Cyclists should avoid undertaking (go up the left-hand side) goods vehicles, and shouldn’t undertake a goods vehicle that is stopped at traffic lights, unless the lights have only just turned red;
• Cyclists should ensure they position themselves far enough ahead of an goods vehicle (in stopped traffic) that the driver can see them.

Last year nine London cyclists lost their lives after being in an incident involving an HGV.

Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, said: “I want Londoners to feel 100% confident about getting on their bikes. It is crucial that lorry drivers and cyclists look out for one another on our streets and behave in a way that keeps them safe. I urge drivers and cyclists to watch this short film and encourage everyone to give cycle training a go.”
A full-length version of the film is being sent out to haulage companies and road safety officers.

To view the internet version of the film visit:


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