THINK! launches ‘Pint Block’ campaign in run up to festive period

09.27 | 20 December 2019 |

THINK! has launched a new drink driving campaign, designed to encourage young men to intervene to stop a mate drinking if they are planning to drive. 

The ‘Pint Block’ films show mates using ‘inventive and surreal’ ways to step in, with the message that a mate doesn’t let a mate drink drive.

Running on social media and online video, the campaign marks the start of the THINK! team’s ‘always on’ approach – engaging young men via the moments and channels that are most relevant to them.

The target audience for the campaign is 17-24 year old men, who continue to be over-represented in drink drive related collisions. Young men are also less likely than the wider population to perceive drink driving behaviour as risky or unacceptable.

The campaign forms part of the THINK! ‘Mates Matter’ strategy, which looks to reduce risky driving behaviour by getting young men to have each other’s backs – and challenge perceptions about what it means to be a good driver.



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