It’s time to register for Festival live sessions

10.00 | 7 October 2020 | |

Registration is now open for the four live discussion sessions being held as part of the Festival of Road Safety.

These sessions will be hosted on Zoom Webinar and are limited to 100 participants per session. These places will be allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.

They cover a number of current road safety issues: cycling, the school run, autonomous vehicles and e-scooters.

When registering, attendees have the option to submit a question in advance, and will also be able to ask questions/submit comments during the session itself.

The Festival of Road Safety replaces the National Road Safety Conference and will run throughout November 2020. 

The discussion session line-up in full:

Tuesday 3 November
Cycling – how can we increase participation while ensuring/improving safety?
Panellists: Emily Cherry, executive director, Bikeability Trust; Duncan Dollimore, head of campaigns, Cycling UK; and Sonya Hurt, road safety manager, Derbyshire County Council.
More about the panellists
Click here to register

Tuesday 10 November
The School Run – keeping pupils & parents safe while encouraging them to walk and cycle more often
Panellists: Carla Leowe, road safety officer, Westminster Council; Adrian Davis, professor of transport & health, Edinburgh Napier University; and Jennifer Wiles, regional director (north), Living Streets.
More about the panellists
Click here to register

Tuesday 17 November
Connected & Autonomous Vehicles – what are the road safety challenges?
Panellists: Dr Huw Davies, assistant professor, Institute for Future Transport and Cities, Coventry University; Michael Talbot, head of strategy, Zenzic (on secondment from the Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV)); and Ruth Anderson MCIHT, Data & Digital Lead, IHub Future Mobility Team, Innovation & Research, Oxfordshire County Council.
More about the panellists
Click here to register

Tuesday 24 November
E-scooters – are they safe or do they pose a threat to users and other road users?
Panellists: David Davies, executive director, PACTS; Graeme Sherriff, research fellow, University of Salford; and Jinel Fourie, head of central public policy, TIER Mobility.
More about the panellists
Click here to register

In addition to the four live discussion sessions, the Festival programme includes a mix of pre-recorded keynote presentations, podcasts and live workshops – and a bumper fringe programme comprising more than 20 presentations covering a wide range of road safety and related topics.

In total the Festival programme comprises more than 40 presentations and sessions, which will be released or staged live at 10.00 and 14.00 on every working day from 2-27 November inclusive.

Anyone wishing to deliver a video presentation as part of the Festival fringe, or wanting more information, should contact either Edward Seaman or Nick Rawlings by email or on 01379 650112.



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