Sadiq Khan, MP for Tooting, has been given a road safety award by Brake for his “commitment to increasing the number of 20mph speed limits in his constituency”.
Alongside a coalition of Labour councillors and local residents, Sadiq Khan has been campaigning for 20mph limits on residential roads in Tooting for seven years, with the first petitions handed to Wandsworth Borough Council in 2007.
The charity says he has collected hundreds of signatures as part of the campaign, with an “overwhelming response from local residents in support of 20mph limits”.
Earlier this month, the council agreed to consult on 20mph limits in two wards in Mr Khan’s constituency. The consultation in Furzedown and Bedford will run until 4 April.
Julie Townsend, deputy chief executive of Brake, said: "We are delighted Sadiq has shown such long-standing commitment to 20mph limits, and we hope his campaign will meet with further success.
“Ultimately, we would like everyone in Tooting, London as a whole, and other cities, towns and villages across the UK to reap the many benefits of 20mph limits.
“That’s why we’re campaigning nationally for all our communities to ‘GO 20′ and for drivers to slow down in built up areas, to make our streets safer and more pleasant for walking and cycling.”
Sadiq Khan said: "Throughout my nine years as the local MP, I have campaigned alongside the local community to make our roads safer. Together we have successfully fought for more road safety measures outside local schools, more pedestrian crossings on dangerous roads, and we have long campaigned for more 20mph zones in residential areas.
"After many years and many petitions, this year we finally convinced Wandsworth Council to take action, which is a real testament to the hard work and determination of everyone involved in our campaign.
"Brake do a fantastic job of campaigning to make our roads safer all over the UK, and it is a real pleasure to win this road safety award."
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