Transport measures key component of Cardiff’s lockdown exit plan

12.33 | 9 June 2020 |

Cardiff Council has unveiled a raft of ‘innovative measures’ under consideration as it plans to exit lockdown, including one-way walking systems and new ‘Park and Cycle’ facilities.

The plans aim to make Cardiff one of the ‘safest’ cities in the UK, helping people to access the city centre despite reduced public transport capacity – while also complying with social distancing measures.

Cardiff Council says it is ‘essential’ to enable people to continue to cycle and walk as lockdown restrictions ease.

As part of the plan, a comprehensive network of Park and Ride, Park and Stride, and Park and Cycle facilities will be developed to manage car access away from the centre – but to allow easy access for the ‘last mile’ of the journey.

The council could place the city centre into ‘event mode’ – which would see road closures similar to those put in place for major rugby internationals – in order for space to be used efficiently.

A one-way walking system will be implemented – with pinch points identified where pedestrian movement will need to be restricted to single file movement.

Pavement widening, new cycle routes and 20mph speed limits will also be introduced.

Cllr Caro Wild, cabinet member for strategic planning and transport, said: “It is essential that we do what we can to enable people to continue to cycle and walk as lockdown restrictions ease. 

“There is a chance for us all now to see first-hand how a greener and a safer Cardiff could look. Capacity on public transport will be limited for some time, and we think a lot of people will continue to work from home, which should reduce car numbers into the city. 

“What we don’t want to see is congestion and pollution levels building again. Especially with the measures we will have to introduce widening pavements to ensure social distancing rules can be followed.

“To help we are looking at delivering a ‘pop-up’ cycleway network to encourage people who can, to cycle into the city centre or their neighbourhood centres rather than drive. 

“We will also look at providing additional cycle parking in key locations in the city centre and in our neighbourhood centres. 

“We will review the potential for creating ‘park and pedal’ sites and we will install bus priority measures such as bus gates to maximise the capacity of buses by minimising journey times and ensuring reliability of services.”



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