Road Safety GB has been invited to help organise a major international road safety conference which is next being staged in the USA in May 2020.
The International Safer Roads Conference is a triennial event that provides a forum for infrastructure owners, practitioners and industry experts worldwide to share ideas, experience and latest technological developments.
Road Safety GB’s invitation to join the organising committee follows a presentation delivered by Jeremy Phillips, Road Safety GB director of research, at the 2017 edition in New Zealand (see pic above).
Jeremy provided delegates from New Zealand, Australia, the USA and other countries with an insight into the work Road Safety GB and the Road Safety GB Academy is undertaking to build professional capacity in the UK.
The sixth edition of the International Safer Roads Conference takes place in Richmond, Virginia in May 2020 – and Road Safety GB is encouraging UK practitioners to submit papers for consideration by the conference committee.
Suggested topic areas include: automated vehicles and infrastructure, data collection, pedestrian and cyclist safety, safer routes and safety in different environments (urban, rural, winter etc).
Jeremy Phillips said: “Road Safety GB is delighted to have been invited to participate in this conference and our involvement reflects Safer Roads International’s interest in the behavioural as well as materials and structural side of road safety delivery.
“I would encourage those working in road casualty reduction in Britain to submit papers for consideration by the conference committee.
“A broad range of themes will be considered and I think it’s important that the behavioural sciences especially are represented – either by researchers, practitioners or both.
“I would personally also like to see proposals from those working in collision investigation and data analysis, and anyone with experience of evidence led policy making, which I think would add value as cross cutting themes on an agenda that is likely to attract a broad spectrum of interest.”
Papers must be submitted using the online form, with a deadline of 31 December 2019. Each proposal will be evaluated based on its thoroughness, clarity and adherence to session guidelines.
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