Warning device tackles hard shoulder hazard

11.59 | 11 July 2011 | | 3 comments

A device has been designed which aims to reduce the number of crashes caused by vehicles broken down on a hard shoulder.

The ‘Road Safety Unit’, which is currently awaiting a patent, has been developed by Gary Lewis who claims that around 12% of fatal accidents on British motorways occur on the hard shoulder.

Gary, who invented the product after a member of his family was involved in a collision on a hard shoulder, said: “In the situation of a breakdown we are advised to turn on the hazard lights and exit the vehicle, especially on a motorway.

“Initially hazard lights were a good indicator as to when a vehicle is in difficultly, but they are now commonly used for a number of different situations.

“Most modern cars come equipped with reflective warning triangles, but ironically they come with the warning not to use them on the motorway as they become a hazard.

“The Road Safety Unit increases the visibility of a stationary vehicle and keeps the driver visible and safe.”

For more information contact Gary Lewis.


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      The Road Safety Unit is not in production and is not being advertised, and I fully understand that tests will need to be carried out.

      I am not from the ‘Road safety Industry’ but I am a regular road user and feel passionate about the safety of our roads, I’m sure we all agree that decreasing the number of accidents on a hard shoulder is a must, but there are benefits to using this unit on A roads and high streets.

      The fact that a stationary vehicle can be identified from a greater distance, giving other motorists more time to assess the hazard ahead, and take action in adequate time avoiding a collision and congestion, would most certainly enable our high roads and dual carriages to run smoother.

      The research and work that has been completed has been in my spare time, as I am in full time employment, and again, am no expert in the roads safety industry.

      I have had some extremely encouraging feedback from some safety groups and manufactures in the automotive industry about the unit, but the safety unit has come to a point where it requires the expertise of an organisation/individual to help in taking the Road Safety Unit through its final stages.

      If you are interested in the Road Safety Unit, or wish to help move it forward please do not hesitate to contact me, as any input would be most appreciated.

      I hope that the road safety professionals reading this feed find it refreshing to know that the general road user does and is thinking about Road Safety, and what we can do to make it better.


      Gary Lewis, Essex
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      Andrew – in response to your comment, we are not ‘advertising’ this product, simply making people aware of it. The line we try to take in the vast majority of our news reports is that of neutrality – we neither endorse or criticise. We present the facts as we are given them and then offer readers the opportunity to comment if they wish to do so. Hope that helps.

      Nick Rawlings, editor, Road Safety GB newsfeed
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      My view is that the efficacy of products such as this should be proved, before they reach the market.
      Unfortunately, this article makes no mention of the mechanism by which the gadget increases safety, or the accident savings that are expected as a result.

      Are we to assume that because it is advertised within a Road Safety GB website, that it will make a positive contribution?

      I am concerned that it may not … but would be happy to learn otherwise.

      Andrew Fraser
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