Welsh police forces launch summer drink/drug drive campaign

12.00 | 3 June 2014 | | 2 comments

The 2014 all Wales summer anti drink/drug drive campaign, backed by all four Welsh police forces, began on Sunday 1 June.

The month-long campaign will see forces increase the pressure and focus on drivers who drink and drive or drive under the influence of drugs. There will be increased stop checks to catch those breaking the law, reinforce the message and educate drivers.

The campaign message highlights that any amount of alcohol affects your ability to drive – and encourages people attending summer time events to make alternative arrangements to get home safely.

South Wales Police is also asking anyone with information about people who are drinking and driving to report them by calling 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously.

ACC Julian Williams, South Wales Police, said: “Every year police have to deliver the devastating news to families after someone has been killed on the road as a result of driving under the influence of drink or drugs.

"These deaths are avoidable if drivers simply make the decision not to drink and drive. Friends and family of drivers could also stop a loved one getting into a car drunk. Do not be afraid to stop someone a party or event getting into their car if they have been drinking and want to drive.”

During the 2013 campaign 19,906 drivers were stopped and breath tested by police in Wales and 436 of these tested positive, refused or failed to provide.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      I know I will not be well liked for this one by some, but at motorcycle rallies held over most weekends during the summer a lot of drinking takes place and into the early hours of Sunday morning with some riding home at first light or even lunch time still under the influence. Until there is a total ban on drinking people will lose their lives because of its encouragement.

      bob craven Lancs
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      Why only in Summer and Christmas, the problem is out there all year round?

      Gethin Edwards
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