The date and venue for the Young Driver Focus 2015 conference have been unveiled, and attendees are invited to register now to obtain the early bird delegate fee of just £50 plus VAT for Road Safety GB & Academy members.
The second Young Driver Focus event is one again being organised by Road Safety GB and FirstCar. The one-day event will be held at the RAC Club in central London on 15 April 2015, courtesy of the RAC Foundation.
The inaugural Young Driver Focus event, held in May 2014, was an unqualified success. Almost 170 people attended – a mix of road safety officers, fire and rescue personnel, police and private sector road safety professionals – 96% of whom rated the event as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’.
The 2015 conference will once again focus on cutting young driver casualties now and in the future. As this suggests the presentations will be forward-focused rather than a retrospective look at young driver collisions and casualties.
The agenda is currently under development but is likely to follow a similar theme to last year when it comprised 11 presentations, all of which can be viewed online here.
James Evans, publisher of FirstCar, said: “Last year’s conference was a resounding success and many attendees asked us to make it an annual event, so we are delighted to be in a position to do so.
“Young drivers are as hot a topic now as when I joined the road safety movement more than a decade ago. During that time the explosion of social media, increased expectations of digital engagement and developments in telematics insurance have, for many road safety professionals, raised more questions than they’ve answered.
“Despite recent budget cuts, reducing crashes and casualties caused by young and newly qualified drivers remains a key challenge for road safety professionals and private sector organisations. We hope the event will generate new ideas and inspiration to meet this challenge now and in the future.”
The early bird fee for the first 50 delegates who register before 31/12/14 is just £50 plus VAT for Road Safety GB & Academy members, and £100 plus VAT for other attendees.
There is also an opportunity for a small number of organisations to exhibit alongside the conference, and/or to sponsor the event. For more details about this contact Richard Storrs on 07702 564422.
Visit the Young Driver Focus website for more details or to register to attend, or contact Sally Bartrum on 01379 650112 for more information.
CALL FOR PAPERS: To submit a paper or for more information about presenting at the conference contact Nick Rawlings by email.
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