More than 1,200 newly qualified drivers have enhanced their skills through South Lanarkshire Council’s subsidised Pass Plus scheme.
Pass Plus aims to help newly qualified drivers gain valuable driving experience to build on their existing skills and knowledge. Topics covered include driving in town, all weather driving, driving out of town, night driving, driving on dual carriageways and driving on motorways.
Newly qualified drivers in South Lanarkshire have been offered a subsidy of £75 towards the overall cost of approximately £140, in a move to encourage more of them to take part in the initiative.
Councillor Graham Simpson, chair of South Lanarkshire Council’s Road Safety Forum, said: “I am delighted that so many new drivers have taken advantage of this great scheme. It allows them to experience a number of varying road conditions with the confidence of having an instructor alongside them.
“They can then gain the experience and knowledge to cope with these conditions when they are driving solo.”
In an evaluation survey carried out in South Lanarkshire, 82% of participants said that the main reason they took part in Pass Plus was to improve their driving, while 55% said they took the course in order to gain cheaper insurance. 58% of Pass Plus participants said that the scheme had had a major impact on their technical ability to drive, while 75% reported that it had significantly improved the safety of their driving. The main benefit experienced by most participants was the opportunity to gain experience of motorway driving.
Contact James Davitt on 01698 453 857 for more information.
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