Horse incidents on the roads – DfT/British Horse Society Awareness Study
The British Horse Society received a grant from the DfT to improve the reporting of horse rider and equine incidents on UK roads. The report is to be published in October 2021 and the key findings are to be used to influence rider safety and influence drivers behaviour to increase the safety of horse riders on the road.
Alan Hiscox, Director of Safety, British Horse Society
Alan Hiscox is the strategic lead for the implementation and management of the BHS’s charitable objectives regarding safety for horse riders.
He is also responsible for assessing current and potential opportunities to develop all aspects of safety within the equestrian sector.
Alan served 26 years in the Metropolitan Police Mounted Branch and 14 years as chief equitation officer at the Met Police’s Training School.
Dee Pollard, Researcher, British Horse Society
Dee is a veterinary epidemiologist interested in equine health and welfare topics, particularly the interaction between horses and humans.
She currently works as a researcher at the British Horse Society on a number of different projects, including equestrian road safety.