Augmented reality as a cost effective and engaging education tool for use with vulnerable road users

This presentation will outline how a West Australian harm prevention charity partnered with augmented reality (AR) developer DSBS to deliver engaging road safety education for primary school children. In 2017, Constable Care Foundation included an AR overlay in the organisation’s 5,000 sqm outdoor road safety experiential learning environment, which has since seen over 23,000 students visit on excursion.

In 2018, the Foundation then developed this experience into the ‘Arility’ AR app, which is a free download for teachers and parents in the UK and Australia for use at home and in classrooms.

The result is a cost-effective, engaging road safety education tool that delivers measurable education outcomes for both road safety education partners and classroom teachers, and is licensed for use in the UK by Road Safety GB.

David Gribble, Chief Executive Officer, Constable Care Foundation

David Gribble has been CEO of the Constable Care Foundation for 10 years, leading the iconic Western Australian organisation through the most significant period of innovation and change in its long history, including the development of Western Australia’s only Road Safety Experiential Learning Centre and co-development of the Arility road safety augmented reality app.

David is a graduate and post-graduate of Curtin University, and a graduate of RMIT University. He has a masters in business administration and is currently undertaking doctoral studies at Curtin University.

David has been recognised for his influential career in the non-profit sector, receiving an AACSB Global Influential Leader Award in 2021 and a Curtin Professional Achievement Award Business and Law in 2019. David also serves as a non-executive director on the board of WestCycle, Western Australia’s cycling peak body.