The Future of Road Safety in Scotland

This presentation will cover the new Road Safety Framework to 2030 and how it sits within Scotland’s transport aspirations.

It will also cover the Scottish Government’s targets and long term goals, as well as some high level policy initiatives that are currently being considered.

George Henry, National Operations Manager for Road Safety Policy and Education, Roads Directorate, Transport Scotland

George Henry joined the Scottish Executive, Trunk Road Network Management Division in 1999.

From 2002, he managed the Accident, Investigation & Prevention programme for the two trunk road units in the west of Scotland, before joining the newly formed Transport Scotland, and had a key role in the development and implementation of the agency’s first Strategic Road Safety Plan.

George had a leading role in the A77 Safety Group, a pioneering road safety partnership that won a Prince Michael International Road Safety Award. He was project sponsor for the A77 SPECS pilot, the first average speed enforcement system in Scotland.

He then took up the role of road safety manager at Transport Scotland, where he developed the current strategic road safety plan to inform how road safety is delivered on Scotland’s trunk roads, to assist achieving the Government's casualty reduction targets for 2020.

In 2016 he moved position to take up the role of head of road policy within Transport Scotland where he was responsible for a wide range of policies including managed motorways, motorsports on closed roads in Scotland and various aspects of parking.  He also played leading role in the development of the pavement parking elements of the recent Transport Bill.

In May 2019 he has took up his current role of national operations manager for road safety policy and education at Transport Scotland, where he was responsible for the setting of the Government’s casualty reduction targets to 2030 and the development of the new Road Safety Framework.  He also oversees all road safety learning and marketing in Scotland.