Challenges and opportunities and learnings from a feasibility study of School Streets and No Car Zones in Cambridgeshire
In this presentation, Jenna will describe a feasibility study of the School Streets and No Car Zones programmes implemented in schools in Cambridgeshire. Data were collected in 2020 and 2021, including hands up surveys in schools, observations outside schools, qualitative interviews and quantitative surveys of parents, residents, business owners and school staff as well as analysis of air quality and traffic volume data.
She will bring an academic pragmatic perspective to evaluation and reflect on the opportunities, challenges and learnings from working in partnership with local authority colleagues.
Dr Jenna Panter, Senior Research Associate, MRC Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge
Jenna has a background in geography and works at the intersection between planning, transport and health.
She trained in environmental sciences before completing a PhD in Public health and Epidemiology (2010). As a public health researcher, she works in partnership with local authorities including at district, city and county level, as well as working with DfT and DoH, NGOs and commercial organisations. Her work focusses on evaluating the behavioural and health impacts of environmental and policy interventions, such as new public transport infrastructure, cycle hire schemes, congestion charging, new walking and cycling infrastructure and behavioural interventions such as cycle promotion and cycle training.
As an academic, she regularly publishes and reviews journal articles as well as written a number of blogs, evidence briefs and presents in public fora. She provided an expert testimony and submitted evidence to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Programme Development Group for their guidance on promoting walking and cycling and also co-authored the chapter on ‘obesogenic environments’ part of a key British Government Foresight report entitled “Tackling Obesities: Future Choices”.