How can technology deliver a step change in road safety?
UK collision statistics indicate that the last ten years has seen little progress in the prevention of road fatalities.
In this talk, the many and various ways in which technology might help us to restore the previous trend for year-on-year reductions in road casualties will be discussed, including information, enforcement, compliance, driver monitoring, data analytics and the advent of connected and automated vehicles.
Prof. Nick Reed, Founder, Reed Mobility
Prof. Nick Reed has worked at the cutting edge of transportation research for more than 15 years with connected and automated vehicle projects in the UK to the value of more than £50m.
Nick was academy director at TRL (the UK’s Transport Research Laboratory) before becoming head of mobility R&D at Bosch, the world’s largest automotive supplier.
He has since founded Reed Mobility – an independent expert consultancy on future mobility working across public, private and academic sectors to deliver transport systems that are safe, clean, efficient, ethical and equitable and he is a trustee of road safety organisations RoadSafe and Brake.