Discussion session: Cycling – how can we increase participation while ensuring/improving safety?

Emily Cherry

Executive Director, The Bikability Trust

Emily Cherry has over 20 year’s experience working in children’s charities and has spent the last two years running a consultancy taking on challenging projects to build efficiency, change and increase effectiveness.

Emily has provided commentary on many issues and policy initiatives and has been a significant contributor to news shows, appearing regularly on major TV channels.

Emily lives in a small village near Cambridge, is married to a primary school teacher and has two children. The whole family are keen cyclists and ride regularly together.

Sonya Hurt

Road Safety and Partnership Manager, Derbyshire County Council

Sonya Hurt is road safety and partnership manager for Derbyshire County Council. She is also past chair of Road Safety GB (2016-18) and is currently Road Safety GB’s specialist advisor with regard to cyclists’ safety.

Prior to taking up her current post in Derbyshire, she was team manager for road safety at Via East Midlands, a joint venture between Nottinghamshire CC and Cornwall CC formed to deliver a sustainable highways service for Nottinghamshire.

Sonya’s career with Nottinghamshire County Council spanned more than 25 years, during which time she specialised in the fields of road safety, safety engineering, traffic management and highway design.

In an ever-changing local government environment Sonya’s work ethos is to continue to maintain a professional, forward thinking and innovative approach to delivering road safety solutions.

Duncan Dollimore

Head of Campaigns, Cycling UK

Duncan Dollimore is head of campaigns at Cycling UK, which promotes all forms of cycling so that people all of ages can cycle safely, easily and enjoyably.

Duncan leads Cycling UK’s road safety campaigning, a key aspect of which is educational awareness campaigning to promote behaviour change.

‘Involving, not telling' is the ethos for much of this campaigning, to communicate both the danger and solution visually using both simple and modern tools and technology.