Brake has produced a free interactive resource to highlight to drivers the importance of making sure their vision is up to scratch.
The open-access ‘Sharpen up’ resource, developed in partnership with Specsavers, is intended for use by anyone who works with drivers, and by individuals wanting to find out more about driver eyesight.
Sharpen up is designed to facilitate discussion and present the facts to drivers on the importance of regular eye tests and maintaining good eye health. Brake is especially encouraging professionals who work with older people to use ‘Sharpen up’ to promote awareness of drivers’ responsibilities on fitness-to-drive issues.
Brake says impaired vision is estimated to cause 2,900 casualties annually, and that eyesight can deteriorate rapidly without people noticing.
In a survey carried out in 2014 by Brake and Specsavers, 25% of drivers who responded hadn’t had a vision test in the past two years; and 4% had never had their eyes tested.
Brake is calling on the government to “follow public opinion” and introduce compulsory eyesight tests for drivers.
Julie Townsend, deputy chief executive of Brake, said: “Our new ‘Sharpen up’ e-learning resource shows people the dangers of driving with poor eyesight, encouraging them to make that vital trip to the opticians.
“The resource is a powerful tool that shows that if you drive, it’s not just your own health and safety that you are risking if you neglect to get your eyesight checked, but also the lives of the people around you.”
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