Twice-daily broadcasts to take place during Project EDWARD

10.09 | 8 September 2021 |

Organisers of this year’s Project EDWARD week of action are encouraging road safety professionals and policy makers to tune in to twice-daily live broadcasts.

The week-long Project EDWARD (Every Day Without A Road Death) road safety initiative is held annually in September. This year the dates are Monday 13 – Friday 17 September.

The theme for Project EDWARD 2021 is ‘Fit for the Road’.

The week will comprise three national road trips, a series of events and a new ‘national safe speeds day’, as the organisers look to showcase how the ‘Safe System’ is being put to good use across the country.

The professionally-produced broadcasts aim to highlight examples of good practice in implementing the five core pillars of the Safe System and to show how lives have been saved across the country.

They will be streamed via Twitter, Facebook and YouTube simultaneously – and will also be accessible on the home page of the Project EDWARD website.

Broadcast schedule: (each broadcast will last approximately 30 minutes)

Monday 13 September

10.15 from Plymouth – Alison Hernandez, police and crime commissioner for Devon and Cornwall, will formally launch the three road trips.

15.00 from Scotland’s National Traffic Control Centre – including (weather permitting) spectacular aerial shots of an emergency services vehicle convoy arriving at Exeter Airport.

Tuesday 14 September

09.00 from Scottish Fire and Rescue HQ (Glasgow) – linking to Op Tramline activity on the M4 and meeting the Wiltshire police and crime commissioner. This broadcast will also feature a ‘Close Pass’ safety event in Sussex and examples from Avon and Somerset of how dash cam footage is collected and used to help keep cyclists and horse riders safe.

15.45 from Safer Roads Essex Partnership in Chelmsford – with links to extrication demonstrations in Cleveland and Southampton, as well as a report from the Northern Ireland Road Safety Awards.

Wednesday 15 September – National Safe Speeds Day

09.15 from the New Forest – including the launch of Kent’s Vision Zero Strategy and a talk with Lincolnshire’s police and crime commissioner.

12.30 from Manston in Kent – follow extended coverage of the Vision Zero launch, which will be attended by HRH Prince Michael of Kent – and roads minister Baroness Vere.

19.00 from Lincolnshire – a reflection on developments half way through National Safe Speeds Day.

Thursday 16 September

10.30 from a police roadside safety operation in Nottinghamshire – with a link to Leominster in Herefordshire for the start of a ‘Dying to Drive’ event organised by Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue.

15.30 from Pont Abraham Services at the western end of the M4 – featuring two police and crime commissioners, Alun Michael from South Wales and Dafydd Llywelyn from Dyfed-Powys. The broadcast also includes virtual reality action from Openreach in Stafford and Op Safer Junction in Wolverhampton.

Friday 17 September

11.00 from Kenilworth in Warwickshire – a 60-minute final event of the week, from a large safety event put on for organisations in the transport and infrastructure sectors. The broadcast will link to fire and rescue experts at the National Extrication Challenge in Newcastle.



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