Road Safety GB has issued a call for papers ahead of the 2022 National Road Safety Conference.
Road Safety GB’s flagship event has not been held as a live conference since 2019, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. But with restrictions lifted, the event will return later this year at The Majestic Hotel in Harrogate on 9-10 November.
Delegate registration is now open, with a special rate for Road Safety GB and Academy members. Full/residential and day delegate packages are available, as is the opportunity to book accommodation on the evening prior to the conference (8 Nov).
Click here for prices and/or to book a place.
The conference committee welcomes expressions of interest from speakers for the main and fringe programmes.
Topics and themes for the main agenda include:
- Road safety research
- What’s on the horizon?
- The road to Vision Zero
- Influencing road user behaviour
- Topical topics
Click here for more details about these themes.
Road safety practitioners can also express interest in participating in the ‘speed dating’ session – which will comprise a series of quick-fire presentations (typically 5 mins) outlining schemes and interventions they have, or are currently, implementing.
Potential speakers should provide:
- Title and brief overview/summary/abstract of the proposed presentation (single para will suffice)
- Brief speaker biog (again, single para will suffice)
The above information should be submitted to Nick Rawlings by email by 31 March 2022.
Bookings are also being taken for the exhibition which runs alongside the conference – click here for prices and/or to book a stand at the exhibition.
For more information about delegate registration contact Sally Bartrum by email or on 01379 650112.
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