Judith Cummins, MP for Bradford South, has been named Brake’s Parliamentarian of the Year – recognising her ‘unwavering commitment’ to road safety.
The award was presented at Brake’s annual reception at the Houses of Parliament on 6 June, which is organised to celebrate and thank those involved in UK road safety – from community campaigners to national figureheads.
Brake presented Ms Cummins with the award in recognition of her work on the charity’s ultimately successful ‘Roads to Justice’ campaign for tougher sentences for drivers who kill.
Ms Cummins is described as an active road safety campaigner in her Bradford South constituency – working closely on local initiatives such as the Telegraph and Argus’ ‘Dangerous Drivers’ campaign and West Yorkshire Police’s ‘Operation Steerside’.
The road safety charity also praised Ms Cummins for the active role she played in Road Safety Week 2017 – including coordinating an event at an collision hotspot in her area.
Judith Cummins MP, said: “Since I first entered Parliament in 2015, improving road safety and pushing for tougher punishments for driving offenders have been top priorities for me.
“The near daily stories in my local newspaper about dangerous driving attest to the fact this issue is as pressing as ever. Poor road safety is a huge issue in Bradford, but safer roads are something everyone in this country deserves.”
At the ceremony, Brake also presented the inaugural Family Liaison Officer Awards, recognising police support for road crash victims.
The Outstanding Officer Achievement Award was presented to PC Jon Ardron, Lancashire Constabulary, while the Family Award was awarded posthumously to PC Rick Hooley, Cheshire Police.
Joshua Harris, director of campaigns for Brake, said: “It is an absolute privilege to be with and honour all those who campaign for safer roads in the UK, from our local grassroots campaigners to parliamentarians and ministers.
“Road safety affects us all and through the hard work of our fantastic supporters I know that we can achieve our vision of zero road deaths and serious injuries.”
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