Live reporting from the north west Commercial Vehicle Safety Conference, which takes place at Haydock Park Racecourse.
Key info:
- North west Commercial Vehicle Safety Conference
- Takes place at Haydock Park Racecourse
- Click here to view the agenda
15.45: Andy Taylor, Consultant

Andy Taylor has 30 years’ experience working as a police officer, during which time he served on the North West Motorway Police Group as well as Traffic Units covering the Cheshire Police area
Presentation: Is your business in control behind the wheel?
Nobody wants an incident/offence related to their business
Worth remembering drugs can stay in the system for longer than a day
Illegal drugs & specified limits:
- Benzoylecgonine – 50µg/L
- Cocaine – 10µg/L
- delta-9-tetrahydrocannibinol (Cannabis) – 2µg/L
- Ketamine – 20µg/L
- lysergic acid diethylamide – 1µg/L
- Methylamphetamine – 10µg/L
- MDMA – 10µg/L
- 6-monoacetylmorphine (heroin) – 5µg/L
Prescribed drugs & specified limits:
- Clonazepam – Epilepsy – 50 µg/L
- Diazepam – Anxiety, Insomnia – 550 µg/L
- Flunitrazepam – Insomnia – 300 µg/L
- Lorazepam – Anxiety, Insomnia – 100 µg/L
- Methadone – Dependency treatment – 500 µg/L
- Oxazepam – Anxiety – 300 µg/L
- Temazepam – Insomnia – 1000 µg/L
- Amphetamine – Narcolepsy – 250 µg/L
- Morphine – Pain Relief – 80 µg/L
How to keep on top of the issues
Having an agreed workable policy:
- No room for complacency or doubt among workforce
- Compliance checks, education & testing
- Help and support those who self-declare problems
15.15: Adam Poulson, Senior External Affairs Manager, Driver Vehicle Standards Agency

At the DVSA, Adam Poulson is responsible for taking a lead approach to strengthen existing relationships and developing new strategic partnerships with stakeholder organisations
Presentation: DVSA Earned Recognition
- Earned Recognition is for HGV and PSV fleets of any size, recognising Exemplary Operators
- Application involves implementation of an approved IT system for reporting KPIs and audit
- Systems will digitally report driver and vehicle compliance in line with KPIs
- IT systems will automatically monitor compliance, with a periodic audit every 2 years
- DVSA does NOT have access to any IT systems
- Government recognition as an Exemplary Operator gives an advantage when bidding for contracts
- Less likely to be stopped at the roadside
- DVSA accredited operator, using the Earned Recognition marque and published on GOV.UK
- Efficiency savings by using a digital monitoring system
- Dedicated contacts in DVSA Earned Recognition team
Key achievements:
- The ER scheme launched April 2018
- Over 230 operator licences accredited
- Over 20 approved industry leading audit providers
- Updated DVSA enforcement systems to recognise an operator’s ER status, inc ANPR
The scheme is FREE to join:
- Operators need to be with an approved IT provider that can measure and report on the KPIs
- Operator’s systems and processes must be audited by a DVSA-authorised audit provider at application and every two years.
- Operators may need to pay for this, depending on the provider they choose. The providers set their own fees
- The benefits of cutting downtime and improving efficiency can offset these costs
Find out more:
- Become a DVSA Exemplar Operator
- Become a DVSA Approved IT Supplier or Auditor
- Email the Earned Recognition team on: dvsaer@dvsa.gov.uk
- Apply and find out more about the scheme at: www.gov.uk/dvsa/earned-recognition
15.00: Paul Wright, Group Health & Safety Director, BIFFA

Paul Wright has worked in health, safety and environmental management for over 20 years, and has held numerous senior health and safety roles.
Presentation: Driving Recklessly on Pavements (DRoPS)
- Refuse collection vehicles can impact traffic flow while they carry out their operations
- Although a short term hindrance, motorists use the pavement as a route passed
- Quite often this is done at speed and on blind bends, putting workers and members of the public at risk
- 2,500 incidents per annum (average)
Reporting DRoPS events at Biffa:
- CCTV footage is currently needed as evidence
- A bespoke DRoPs witness statement is completed by the person who witnessed the event. This is scanned and emailed to the police by the site management
- On receipt the police Traffic Office access a dedicated upload portal, where footage has been stored, and determine if there is a case to prosecute
- Police send a letter to the vehicle owner requesting the details of the driver
- Offenders are issued either penalty points or are asked to attend a Drive4Change course
Other ways to report events:
- A new dedicated police Dash Cam Police Portal has been developed
- Not all police divisions are live yet
- Refer to Dash Cam national website to find out if your force is involved
Raising the profile:
- This now forms part of the HSE’s “Helping Great Britain Work Well” commitments
- Supported by both Unite and the GMB unions
- Articles have appeared in a number of industry publications
- Biffa Cannock and South Staffs depot reports have resulted in multiple prosecutions since the involvement of Staffordshire Police between 2015 and 2017
- ITV, BBC TV and radio promotion
- Social media hits now over 1 million
- Local and National newspaper publicity
DRoPs and newly qualified drivers:
- Biffa have been working with ‘Good Egg Safety’ to highlight the dangers of Driving Recklessly on Pavements
- Biffa will be targeting new drivers and have invested in promoting the dangers of DRoPs in the Good Egg New Driver Guide that is currently being piloted at 6 DVSA test centres
- This Driver Guide is also available as a free download from over 400 Local Authority websites
Observations, challenges & opportunities
- Not all police forces have a method of reporting
- CCTV evidence of the incident is critical for reporting
- Refuse collection crews have become conditioned to the DRoPs risk
- A bigger focus is needed to encourage employees to report
Successes so far
- The number of DRoPs incidents has reduced
- Pilot trial for DRoPs awareness advert targeting new drivers at the start
- Support gained from a number of influential organisations such as RoSPA, the HSE, the National Road Safety Committee and the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety
- Other Local Authorities are joining the campaign
This isn’t just an industry issue… it’s national
- Target occupational drivers across the UK
- Include driver CPC training across the UK
- Promotion of slowing down around service vehicles and road workers
- Include road work incursions to support the Highways Traffic
- Management Association and awareness to roadside vehicle repair workers
14.45: Carl Milton, Regional Logistics and Supply Chain Manager, CEMEX UK

As a transport professional responsible for managing a large fleet and national road safety projects, Carl Milton has worked with manufacturers, industry bodies, pressure groups and drivers to reduce road risk for vulnerable road users.
Presentation: CEMEX UK – Reducing Risk and Encouraging Safe Road Sharing
Over 3,000 employees – improving road safety is important
Education – key part of improving road safety
Give drivers perspective of other more vulnerable road users – cyclists etc
Collaboration – work with partners to gain knowledge and understanding
Community – take an active role, go into schools etc
Raise awareness – make drivers aware of blind spots etc. Road safety campaigns
Vehicle specification – invest in new technologies when they become available, not when it is a requirement. Keep up to date!
Involve your drivers in testing and evaluating technology
- Plan
- Do
- Check
- Act
What might vehicles look like in the future?
- Giving drivers more visibility?
- Fitting extra windows?
- Improved technology – cameras, black boxes, long range radars
Exciting future for truck safety.
14.30: Gareth Jones, DGSA & Road Risk Manager, Speedy Services

Gareth Jones is the Road Risk Manager/ DGSA at Speedy Asset Services Ltd, which operates more than 250 tool hire depots across the UK and Ireland and has a fleet of more than 1,200 vehicles.
Presentation: Cameras, evidence and the future
Cameras becoming more and more ergonomically friendly – with improved recording ability
Cameras can be used to record evidence – can look after from a liability point of view
The camera doesn’t lie – drivers can’t avoid blame when at fault
Use that information to help other drivers learn
Combining VisionTrack camera, telematics, tracking and tachograph data to build the complete picture – get the full story
Connecting all the different elements together
Embrace technology, share information
14.15: Vickie Goodair, North East & North West Regional Manager, Driving for Better Business (DfBB)

Vickie Goodair has been in her current role for the past 18 months, prior to which she was an ADI and instructor trainer.
Presentation: Driving for Better Business (DfBB)
The work-related road safety challenge
Which laws apply?
- Health and Safety at Work Act
- Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
- Health and Safety Offences Act
- Road Traffic Act 1988
- Road Safety Act 2006
- Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act
- Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations
- Carriage of Dangerous Goods Regulations
What does DfBB provide?
- A toolbox to check risk and meet compliance with minimum standards for H&S legislation
- Easy steps with full guidance, free to access and use
- A DfBB Commitment to state that as an employer you meet WRRR H&S standards
- Next steps and continuous improvement guides
‘Reducing Work Related Road Risk – A moral, financial and legal imperative for all of us’
Compliance strategy:
- Delivering multi-agency initiatives: HSE, police, customs, DVSA and Highways England
- Pilot events targeting: driver compliance, roadworthiness, load security, towing, tyres
Next steps:
- Sign up on the Driving for Better Business website
- Review your current level of compliance
- Sign the DfBB Commitment
- Work with your supply chains
- Are they compliant?
- Promote DfBB – Continuous improvement
- Senior Management invited to be part of the Leadership Forum
14.00: Geoff Clarke, Regional Director, Freight & Logistics, AECOM

Presentation: Incident Prevention and Fatigue Management
TimeSmart project
Toolkit – modules including fatigue management
Fatigue is a perceived state of weariness
Sleepiness vs fatigue – sleepiness can be cured by sleep
Fatigue – what contributes?
- Lack of sleep/disturbed sleep
- Time of day
- Stress
- Irregular sleeping patterns
20% of accidents on major roads are fatigue related – 40% of these involve commercial vehicles
Physical symptoms:
- Difficulty concentration
- Eyes begin to roll
- Heavy eyelids
- Poor speed control
- Slower reaction times
- Poor steering control
- Poor avoidance of hazards
Employees responsibility:
- Take reasonable care of their own safety
- Maintain log books
How can fatigue be managed more effectively?
- Conduct risk assessments
- Check previous records
- Assess the driver as they turn up
- Know your staff
What constitutes a high risk driver?
- Commercial
- Male
- Young or old
- Overweight
- Having a sleeping disorder
12.25: Ruth Waring FCILT, director, BigChange Advisory Plus

Ruth Waring has 30 years’ experience in the transport and logistics sector, starting her career with NFC as a graduate trainee in 1989 in France and the UK, then promoted to traffic manager.
Presentation: Using technology to improve fleet compliance
What do we mean by fleet compliance?
- O licence Regime for HGVs and PCVs
- ALL fleets including Vans and Cars must also comply with:
- HSE Guidance: “Driving for Work”
- Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and Corporate Manslaughter considerations
- Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
- Drivers’ Hours and Working Time Directive
- Management Controls, Safe Driver, Safe Vehicle and Safe Journey
- ALL road journeys for work are included: grey fleet, managers, sales people, directors, coach and bus, van drivers, motorcyclists, plant and lorry drivers…
Safe driver: licence checks, fitness to drive, mobile phone use, driver hours, training, welfare
Safe vehicle: walk-round checks, planned maintenance, insurance, tyres, weights
Safe journey: route planning, managing incidents, welfare, communications, bad weather
What management controls are required?
- Driving at Work Policy
- Define who is in charge
- Risk Assessments
- Clear guidance for managers
- Check communication is company-wide
- Ensure drivers have access to technology where this is relied upon for compliance
How can you check compliance at a glance?
- Big Change Audit – app
12.10: Graham Willson, Chief Executive, British Tyre Manufacturers’ Association

Graham Willson is chief executive of the British Tyre Manufacturers’ Association, whose members supply two-thirds of the tyres on Britain’s roads.
Presentation: Banning tyres aged 10 years and older
An introduction to the BTMA:
- Members supply two-thirds of tyres on Britain’s roads
- Longstanding commitment to improving road safety and protecting the environment
- Membership encompasses new tyre manufacturers and retreaders
- Two fatal accidents (in 2012 & 2015) involving heavy commercial vehicles, eight killed in total
- Tyre failure on front steering axle, tyres 19 & 18 years old
- DVSA guidance issued in 2013 bans use of tyres aged 10 years & older on PSV front axles
DfT data:
- In last 10 years 153,000 reported collisions involving heavy commercial vehicles
- Only two accidents with tyre failure (due to age) as a contributory factor
- 2013 guidance issued has achieved 99.94% compliance
Government’s proposal:
- Suite of regulatory measures banning older tyres & restricting use of retreads anywhere on a commercial vehicle
- Evidence base is weak (paper thin)
- Claimed improvement to road safety is unsubstantiated
- Assumption of improved compliance with regulation compared to guidance
Proposals FAIL TO ADDRESS the most likely cause of two tragedies (M5 horsebox accident
The likely cause of the two tragedies:
- All the evidence points to the ill-fated tyres being fitted second-hand after the MOT test
- Supply of new and retreaded tyres is tightly regulated: not so the supply of second-hand tyres
- In last five years Trading Standards Officers have purchased 491 second-hand tyres at 252 retailers
- 58% of tyres purchased were not compliant with statutory safety criteria
- Over five million second-hand tyres are sold every year
- TSO findings point to almost three million potentially unsafe tyres entering service every year
Impact of the current proposals
- Cost (to vehicle operators) – £169 million per year
- Environment – 50% increase in new tyre consumption
- Society: loss of 5,500 jobs, £230 million annual GDP
- Benefit to road safety – ?????????
- Guidance has already achieved 99.94% compliance
The BTMA’s proposals:
Further improve the effectiveness of 2013 guidance:
- Proportionate response built on robust and directly-relevant evidence
- Test FAIL not advisory notice – assures immediate & compliant corrective action
- Legibility requirement for date code on sidewall
Pursue a better-functioning second-hand tyre market:
- Improve road safety, consumer protection and resource efficiency
- Build on current initiatives contained in Defra Resources & Waste strategy
- Operator certification and product traceability
In summary:
Government proposal:
- Evidence base is weak
- Claimed improvement to road safety is unsubstantiated
- Significant associated costs
BTMA proposal:
- Proportionate and prudent
- Evidence-based
- Builds on success of current guidance
- Addresses most likely cause of the tragedies
10.50: Dr Sheena Johnson, senior lecturer, Alliance Manchester Business School

Dr Sheena Johnson is an occupational and chartered psychologist, and senior lecturer at the Alliance Manchester Business School. Her expertise is stress and health and the wellbeing of an ageing workforce.
Presentation: Health and Wellbeing of Older Professional Drivers: Best Practice Guidelines
Age, Health and Professional Drivers’ (AHPD) Network
- A network promoting best practice in the transport industry relating to the ageing workforce and the health of professional drivers
- The Age Health and Professional Drivers’ Network has over 60 member organisations, including transport and logistic firms and representatives, unions, employers and employees.
- Network members assisted in production of industry led best practice guidelines relating to age and driver wellbeing.
Why the AHPD network?
- Average age of HGV drivers in UK is around 50 years and is increasing (FTA, 2017)
- 13% of drivers are over 60; 2% are under 25 (HGV training network, 2017)
- Chronic shortage of qualified HGV drivers
- Evidence from America suggests long-haul truck driving is disproportionately detrimental to health and safety
Health and wellbeing of HGV drivers
Multiple risk factors:
- Obesity
- Hypertension
- Unhealthy diet
- Lack of exercise
- Sleep deprivation and disturbance
- Exposure to stress
Can lead to medical conditions e.g. diabetes, sleep apnoea, cardiovascular disease as well as musculoskeletal disorders (linked to increased risk on the roads)
Research phase one:
- What is the reality of working into older age for HGV drivers in the UK, and what does this mean for health and wellbeing?
- Interviews in five medium to large logistics companies
- 14 male HGV drivers
- Seven managers and supervisors
Research phase two:
- Interviews with 10 health and safety managers and trainers, plus one focus group
- Discussion forum with representatives from a transport union
- Interviews with 36 drivers of 7.5 to 44 tonne vehicles and six managers of two large national companies
- Review academic research: what health and wellbeing initiatives work and what don’t
What do organisations do?
Organisations are reactive not proactive:
- Focus on ‘safety’ and not ‘health’ initiatives
- Health and wellbeing initiatives are not priorities
“We tend to tell people about ‘safety’ and not about ‘health……tend not to do [that] unless we have to. The Employee Health and Wellbeing Workgroup used to exist, [we] had the best of intentions but it petered out. It wasn’t high up on the priorities”
“if somebody comes with a health issue, then we’ll help them with that and manage that….. but do we go out and look for health issues or push drivers to try and change their habits, then I don’t think we do”
Limited wellbeing or mental health strategies:
- Lack of knowledge
- Can’t ‘see’ it
- Don’t know where to begin
“You know, if somebody walks in with an arm hanging off, or a physical injury I think [managers] probably do a pretty okay job. But I think if it’s an invisible injury so to speak, I don’t think a lot of them would do a very good job, and I would suspect that as a result, a lot of those conversations don’t happen because drivers are not confident… enough to open those conversations because they don’t think necessarily anything will come of it, and/or they just don’t know how it will be reacted to”.
One of the main issues:
Drivers are reluctant to declare health issues, or attend medical screenings, unless they have to legally:
“…we don’t screen for sleep apnea, and I suspect that most drivers wouldn’t welcome that screening, if I’m being really direct and honest, because I think they would see it as a risk to their job”
“…there’s probably one [colleague] that may be a little bit nervous about doing that [medical screening], because of fear that something might occur or might come up, which then might affect them from doing the job. Because, as far as they’re concerned, they are fine. They are healthy”
AHPD best practice guidelines:
Industry led guidelines for best practice relating to age and wellbeing in the transport sector. Publicly available via AHPD website.
- Focus on 10 areas of health and wellbeing that our research identified as significant and provide detail and links to relevant external resources
- Emphasise the value of support, implementation and evaluation.
Focus is on professional drivers and the transport sector but the overall message and the ten areas of health and wellbeing can be useful for application in other industries.
- Support (how to help and encourage)
- Implementation (how to do it)
- Evaluation (is it working? Has it worked?)
- Mental Health (e.g. limiting the job impact on wellbeing)
- Physical Health (e.g. increasing the opportunity for physical activity)
- Healthy Eating (e.g. encouraging healthy eating habits)
- Working Practices (e.g. reducing health damage)
- Working Patterns (e.g. considering shift patterns and flexible working)
- Retirement (e.g. providing advice and planning)
- Culture (e.g. recognising the importance of management attitudes)
- Communication (e.g. how best to do it)
- Training (e.g. helping people to perform well)
- Bereavement (e.g. giving support and introducing policies)
Each area addressed in turn in the guidelines and detailed advice for older employees, and more general advice provided.
Resources are linked in each section.
Resources (where to go for more detailed information)
Comprehensive list of publicly available resources provided with each section, and listed at the end of the guidelines.
Details of supporting academic references also provided.
Access guidelines via the AHPD website: www.ambs.ac.uk/ahpdn
10.30: Nina Day CEng, policy advisor, HSE Transport Sector
Nina Day is a policy advisor for the Health & Safety Executive, specialising in road and workplace transport.
Presentation: Managing transport safety to reduce risk
- Road transport is key to the UK economy and almost every business sends or receives goods by road, uses vehicles for work, or has visitors or contractors coming to site by road.
- Any delays or disruption can be very costly for a company, an individual, and the country.
- We all benefit from taking safety seriously and managing risk.
- Health and safety should not be seen as a burden on business
Getting it wrong could be expensive – it can also be deadly!
In my experience it is often the driver who bears the brunt when things go wrong
What the law says:
- Everyone has responsibilities to make sure that what you do at work is safe
- Drivers, vehicle operators, and anyone who loads a vehicle are all responsible for making sure that the vehicle is safe to be on the roads
- Employers must ensure the health & safety of their own employees and anyone else affected by their work activities
Everyone has a part to play
- Problems in transport are generally both foreseeable and preventable – and the consequences of not dealing with them can be severe
- Safe transport starts at the top – everyone has to be part of the safety culture
- Responsibility for safe transport is shared, so it’s not always just the driver who’s responsible
The rules are not different because you are senior management
If you have young drivers working for you, you have to ensure they are capable of doing the job – they lack experience
Most of the time, you won’t kill someone by getting it wrong – but there’s always a chance that you could.
Doing something wrong for a long time doesn’t make it safe.
Your risk of something going wrong resets every day.
How can you manage risk?
- Understand that poor practice is a threat to your business and the safety of you, your employees, your reputation and other road users
- Think about what you do, what could go wrong, and what sensible things you can do to stop anyone being hurt
- Sensible risk controls include providing training, maintaining equipment, checking your drivers have the right licence to drive your vehicles, and making sure you’re not overloading your vehicles
Final thoughts:
- Make sure the equipment you are using is suitable
- Managing risk is good for your business
- Taking simple steps to reduce risk can make your business safer and more efficient
You can get free advice and guidance at: https://www.hse.gov.uk/
10.10: Inspector Keith Kellett, Merseyside Police

Inspector Keith Kellett is currently posted as inspector for North West Motorway Police Group and is responsible for the Regional Commercial Vehicle Unit.
Presentation: The role of police – using enforcement to achieve compliance and improve road safety
Urban myths
- Police use road users as a ‘cashpoint’
- Police get NOTHING for enforcement, no matter how big the fine.
- For general offences (endorsable), MIGHT get £38 to cover the cost of the course. Any surplus MUST be used for road safety.
NO Performance Indicators
- In the age of cuts – if there was a financial incentive there would be MORE police on the roads, not less!
I will talk about why – not how – we do enforcement
- Policing Principles • preservation of life • protection of property • prevention and detection of crime
- Homicides – 2018 (England and Wales): 732
- Road deaths – 2018 (England and Wales): 1,782 – more than twice as likely to die on the roads!
Five people a day die on UK roads – honest decent people kill other honest decent people
HGV statistics
- Commercial vehicles involved in one third of collisions on M6
- One third of all drivers have had a crash or near miss with a lorry
- 24% of HGV collisions result in fatal or serious injury (only 13% for ‘all’ vehicles).
- Disproportionate risk for vulnerable road users – pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists
What influences behaviour?
- Telling a driver something bad is going to happen doesn’t influence behaviour
- ‘Something bad might happen, but it won’t happen to me’
- Enforcement is important – drivers must believe they will get caught
Effects of enforcement?
- No one wants to admit enforcement works (but it does)
- More enforcement = less collisions
RCVU performance
What are we doing to address this?
- Dedicated commercial vehicle teams and a regional team
- Regional team shows there is a widespread issue
- Conflict resolution / crime prevention – the visible presence of an officer has an impact
- Supporting partners – enforcement is often only possible with police
- Public safety – potential of an out of control 44 ton HGV?
- Supports Serious Organised Crime Strategy – deny criminals safe spaces and the use of the roads
- Raises the fear of being caught – C/T, counterfeit goods, migrants, smuggling….
- Economic benefits – better standard of vehicle, rested drivers and less overweight vehicles
Current trends
Emergence of drug driving
- Average of double the number of drug drivers arrested compared to drink drivers
- Regional employer – hired 150 people for driving jobs, within 4 weeks, 110 had been sacked – mainly for drug use.
Drivers hours
- Abuse is widespread
Overweight vehicles
- Not just safety, also economic impact
What can you do?
- Ensure an appropriate policy in place (real living documents, not just pieces of paper)
- Fleet managers and owners also have liability
- Check drivers
- Think about a drink / drug policy and checks
- Don’t forget the basics – driving licences, medicals, CPD.
- Continuous development
- No good just having a ‘piece of paper’
- Drivers but also policy, procedure and checks
Final thoughts
- Police aim is ‘Habitual Compliance’
- Enforcement is necessary – fear of being caught changes behaviour
- Support ‘good’ operators by levelling the field
- Result is safer drivers and vehicles
Safer roads are better for everyone
09.50: Niall Yeldham, ex-HGV driver
Presentation: my story
Former HGV driver
Involved in a fatal collision in 2012
Arrested and ‘ treated as a criminal’
Interviewed under caution, advised by solicitor to give ‘no comment’ interview
Why am I being treated like a criminal – I’ve had an accident
15 months before going to court – I knew I was going to prison
My marriage ended in that time
Sentenced to 4.5 years and taken to Strangeways for first three months
I’d never been in trouble with the law before
Released after 2 years 3 months with 9 months left to serve on a driving ban
When you’re coming back after a ban it’s very hard to get your licence back
Seven years later I still struggle to find work
I’m never going to lose my criminal record because I have over 4 years imprisonment
I’m never going to get over the guilt I feel about the accident
I wasn’t on my phone, I was stone cold sober, I was within my hours but still I got 4.5 years
9.30: Richard Leonard, head of road safety, safety, engineering & standards, Highways England

Richard Leonard is the head of road safety at Highways England, which manages, maintains and improves the motorway and major road network in England.
Presentation: Delivering a Safer Network – A Collaborative Approach
Our interventions aim to improve safety and contribute towards:
- Reduction in accidents
- Reduction in KSIs – key focus
- Improved traffic flow
Next campaign about commercial vehicles – helping car drivers understand blind spots
Got an issue with HGV collisions on our network
The vast majority of people on the network are safe drivers
Operation Tramline – unmarked HGVs – provides vantage point to detect offences such as mobile phones & seatbelts
Interested in researching fatigue related collisions – drivers hours around vans
DfBB – HE working with businesses to improve road safety & reduce collisions
We need to improve the reputation of commercial vehicles.
Issues around compliance & sharing best practice
Collaboration is central to our approach
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