DSA publishes new edition of ‘Learning to Ride’

10.20 | 1 April 2009 | | 1 comment

The DSA has published the 2009 edition of its Learning to Ride guide which explains the standards required to complete the CBT course and pass the new practical motorcycle test being introduced on 27 April.

 The guide includes information about the new modular practical test and detailed information on all five CBT elements.

 For further information visit: www.tso.co.uk


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      AS printed previously. Could the retailers possibly give away such a book whilst they are discounting helmets and gloves and jackets [and still profiting from it]

      I know one cannot legislate to force them to do this but wouldnt it be a great idea. Promoting safety with this book and perhaps one other.

      Bob Craven, Blackpool
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