Frequent e-scooter use linked to riskier riding habits

11.14 | 26 February 2025 |

Frequent e-scooter riders are more likely to engage in risky and illegal riding behaviour, according to research which explored how riding experience influences hazard perception and response.

The first-of-its-kind study by Nottingham Trent University (NTU) psychologists used bespoke video-based tests featuring real e-scooter footage filmed from the rider’s perspective.

More than 185 participants were assessed on their ability to predict hazards and their willingness to engage in risky riding situations, such as running red traffic lights, overtaking, and speeding.

Their experience was also measured by months of riding, and frequency of riding.

Results showed that increased riding experience was not associated with improved hazard prediction or the ability to judge risks; in fact, all frequent riders reported a higher percentage of engagement in illegal riding behaviour compared to less frequent riders. This was the case in scenarios such as overtaking and speeding, but not with traffic lights.

Dr Petya Ventsislavova, lead researcher and senior lecturer at NTU’s School of Social Sciences, said: “A possible reason for this risk taking could be that increased riding experience leads riders to become more confident in their skills rather than more cautious, making them more inclined to engage in risky riding behaviours.

“However, all participants reported a tendency to engage in risky behaviour, perhaps reflecting the widely-held perception that e-scooters are less serious and dangerous than other modes of transport.”

The research also emphasised that using e-scooters for short trips might restrict riders’ exposure to different situations, which could hinder the development of their hazard and risk awareness skills.

Dr Ventsislavova added: “E-scooter riders often use these vehicles for short trips in city centres, typically along familiar routes with predictable environments that don’t challenge their hazard prediction abilities. This means that even frequent riding during these short trips may not offer enough opportunities to improve their skills, which could explain the connection between riding frequency and a willingness to take risk.

“The rapid global adoption of e-scooters, introduced with relatively short notice and without safety guidance or clear regulations, may also have led to an optimism bias among riders, where they believe they are more skilled and less likely to face negative events.

“Without official e-scooter training and standard safety guidelines, there’s no clear definition of proficient riding skills, especially cognitive ones. Consequently, riders may use personal judgment to determine what is risky and what constitutes a hazard.”

The research recommends the introduction of tailored hazard perception training for e-scooters – similar to the driving hazard perception test which has been shown to increase drivers’ awareness of their own limitations in risky situations – in order to significantly improve hazard perception skills and reduce crash risks for e-scooter users.



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