Hertfordshire magazine short listed for prestigious award

12.19 | 29 June 2009 | | 1 comment

Hertfordshire Biker magazine, produced by the council’s road safety unit, has been short-listed in the ‘Publications’ category of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations Excellence Awards.

The Excellence Awards recognise and reward best practice in public relations throughout the UK and acknowledge personal and team achievement at the highest professional level. This year the CIPR received more than 900 entries across the 27 award categories.

Theresa Casbard, head of road safety, said: “The feedback on the magazine from the motorcycling community has been overwhelmingly positive, so we are delighted that our fellow campaigning professionals have also recognised its quality. The magazine is one of our most effective tools for communicating safety messages to this vulnerable group.”

The winners will be announced at the awards ceremony in London on 7 July.

A full list of award categories and further information can be found at: www.cipr.co.uk/excellence

For a copy of the magazine contact Simon Hogget on 01992 556802 .


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      May I congratulate Hertfordshire on producing this quality magazine. If it has made a contribution to PTW casualty reduction it deserves to win. Good Luck.

      Roy Buchanan, Principal Road Safety Officer, Sutton
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