Installation of cycle-activated signage in Glasgow a ‘UK first’

09.29 | 13 October 2022 | | | 3 comments

Glasgow City Council has installed a series of new cycle-activated signs to alert drivers to the presence of riders.

The LED warning signs, which illuminate a cycle symbol when they detect a rider, are designed to reduce incidents of conflict, particularly where travel routes cross side junctions or building entrances. 

They are solar-powered and have been installed at multiple locations across the city following a successful pilot.

Cllr Angus Millar, transport and climate convener, said: “We want people to think of cycling as accessible, safe and attractive, and as an everyday transport mode and leisure activity.  

“Creating a safer cycling city is a key element of our Cycling Plan in which we have pledged to improve safety for cyclists by providing better facilities and encouraging mutual respect between all road and path users.

“Our cycle-activated signage project is an innovative and environmentally-friendly solution that seeks to prioritise and protect vulnerable road users and prevent collisions.

“Initiatives such as this which focuses on reducing potential incidents on our road network benefit all road users and highlights our resolute commitment to making cycling an enjoyable and viable way to get around.”

The pilot showed a decrease in the percentage of conflicts between drivers and cyclists at the junction of Berkeley Street and Claremont Street.

Glasgow City Council has already committed to installing more than 20 of these signs, with further additions to follow.



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    Re Pat Wales.
    I suppose the drivers on side roads would be expected to be travelling slowly in anticipation of having to stop.
    Those on the main road , especially those turning right through a gap in the traffic are more of a danger.

    Paul Luton, Teddington
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    If the signs are to alert drivers to the presence of riders, why are none of them apparently pointing at the drivers on the side roads?

    Pat, Wales
    Agree (3) | Disagree (0)

    How much?

    Keith Wheeler, Milton Keynes
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