GEM Motoring Assist is calling on ‘born again bikers’ to put safety first this summer by brushing up on their skills and recognising that their reaction time may have slowed significantly.
Provisional casualty statistics for 2021 show 299 riders were killed last year, up from 285 in 2020.
GEM says data from recent years consistently shows that ‘born again bikers’ (males aged between 40 and 60 years) continue to be over-represented in collisions.
It is calling on these riders to invest in a refresher day with a training professional, something which can be found online or via a local club/group.
GEM also warns that a 55-year-old’s reactions will be almost a third slower than those of a 25-year-old.
Neil Worth, GEM chief executive, said: “There’s a lot of satisfaction to be gained from riding a motorcycle with skill and precision.
“That’s why we’re encouraging riders to give themselves a ‘skills MOT’ which will help ensure they lower the risks they face on journeys – and greatly reduce the likelihood of being involved in a collision.
“The recent heatwave has placed unprecedented pressure on the already overstretched emergency services this summer, so anything we can all do as road users to avoid adding to this pressure will help save lives.”
GEM is also encouraging riders to ‘invest in the best protective equipment you can afford’ and focus on self preservation by wearing high visibility clothing on all journeys, as well as riding in a way that ‘gives others a better chance of seeing you’.
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