Motorcyclists in Somerset encouraged to ‘Raise Your Ride’

12.06 | 26 April 2021 | | 1 comment

Somerset County Council has launched a new initiative for motorcyclists, in a bid to raise awareness and demonstrate the value of advanced riding techniques.

Raise Your Ride, delivered in partnership with Avon and Somerset Police, comprises a series of events at which attendees will receive friendly hints and tips on how to make their ride safer and more enjoyable.

They will be introduced to the police system of motorcycle riding, covering areas such as:

  • Cornering
  • Reading the road
  • Planning and hazard avoidance
  • Overtaking
  • Filtering

The first event took place in Yate, South Gloucestershire, yesterday (25 April) – with four further editions scheduled for May, June, September and October.

Somerset County Council says the events are a unique opportunity to experience an observed ride with either a serving or former police advanced rider.

A spokesperson for Somerset’s road safety team said: “Raise your Ride is a truly great initiative and it is great that we have collaborated with the police and many other partners regionally to deliver this important knowledge to the public.

“All the events in Somerset are currently open to the public and we encourage motorcyclists to sign up and make our roads a safer place.”

The cost for the day is £45 per person. Attendees require a full Cat A or A1 licence and a motorcycle that can comfortably reach the national speed limit.



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