UK road safety professionals are being invited to attend the 2017 European Road Safety Summer School, which is taking place in Mechelen, Belgium.
The five-day course (28 Aug-1 Sept) will present an integrated approach to road safety, based on good examples from across Europe. The summer school will also provide networking and knowledge exchange opportunities.
Aimed at road safety professionals, the school is organised by the VSV (Flemish Foundation for Traffic Knowledge). It is supported in the UK by Road Safety GB, whose vice chair Liz Brooker will deliver a presentation to delegates. Jeremy Phillips, Road Safety GB director of research, presented at the 2016 event.
Marie Woltman, Devon County Council, will also speak at the event, while representatives from authorities in France, Belgium and the Netherlands also feature on the agenda.
Themes and topics include exploring the safe system approach, with a particular focus on vision and strategy, target setting and data-driven policy. Presentations focusing on specific risk groups and vulnerable road users including young drivers, pedestrians and cyclists will also feature on the programme.
Speakers will address national, regional and local road safety strategies in education and awareness raising, as well as looking at infrastructure and technology. Enforcement as part of an integrated approach to road safety will also be discussed.
For more information, or to register to attend, visit the Road Safety Summer School website, or contact the Flemish Foundation for Traffic Knowledge directly via email.
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