‘Kiddie shaped signs’ help improve road safety at schools

12.00 | 1 August 2017 | | 1 comment

A Yorkshire-based signs manufacturer has developed a range of eye-catching signs to help address the problem of unsafe parking and driving in and around school entrances.

The ‘Kiddie Shaped’ and ‘Child Friendly Police Officer’ signs, produced by Signs2Schools, are available in a number of formats, with the option to include a lollipop message stick. The most popular messages include ‘think before you park’, ‘don’t park on the zig zags’, ‘caution children’ and ‘slow down’.

The signs are double sided so they are visible from both directions of traffic. Depending on the design they vary in height from 975mm to 1145mm, including the base.

The signs are already in use at a number of schools across the country including Sheringham Primary School in Newham, London, and St. Andrew’s CE Primary School in Accrington, Lancashire.

Kath Sewell, headteacher of Sheringham Primary, said: “Our kiddie cut-out signs have had a significant impact on both parking and speed in our road, which is great for our children.

“There have been lots of positive comments from families, as well as the local community police. They are a lot harder to ignore or dislike than cones!"

Tina Wilkinson, headteacher of St. Andrew’s Primary, added: “I am amazed at the impact the signs have had already.

“This morning I watched one of my main ‘zig zag parking’ parents pull over across the street. Another parent stopped me to tell me how effective they are. Because they look like children, they remind you why you shouldn’t park there.”

Carol McDonald, Signs2Schools, said: “We have a variety of ethnicities available to choose from. We colour the kiddies clothing to the school uniform colours, the school logo is optional and you can choose your own wording.

“Schools and nurseries who have purchased these signs say they are helping to reduce speed, cutting down on illegal parking and making drivers aware that there are lots of children in the area.

“Parents are also commenting that they are much harder to ignore that normal A Boards and cones. We have even had a grandmother purchase three of the signs for the school where her grandchildren go, simply because she was so concerned for their safety.”

For more information contact Carol McDonald via email or on 07931 534623.




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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      These little chaps are doing a great job at various Schools and Nurseries all over the UK. I am hearing of far too many accidents occurring because of drivers parking both dangerously and illegally, putting childrens’ lives at risk.

      Carol McDonald Shipley, West Yorkshire
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