A series of workshops will take place at the 2019 National Road Safety Conference – providing delegates with the opportunity to engage with experts on a range of topics.
Organised by Road Safety GB and co-sponsored once again by Insure the Box and Jenoptik, the 11th running of the National Conference takes place at Telford International Centre on 12-13 November.
The 2019 conference will follow a similar format to previous years, with both a main and fringe programme running concurrently. There are also a number of new initiatives – including an informal chat show style session on the closing afternoon.
On day two (13 November), delegates will have the option to attend one of a series of workshops which will run in tandem with the main conference programme.
The facilitator of each session will give a brief introduction to the topic and then answer questions and deal with issues raised by attendees.
The five workshops cover:
- Kagan cooperative learning techniques
Facilitated by Kate Castle, road safety officer, Warwickshire County Council - Bikeability – the National Standard for Cycling
Facilitated by Benjamin Smith and Michael Frearson - Modeshift STARS scheme
Facilitated by Nick Butler & Sarah Grattage - Telematics insurance and young driver safety
Facilitated by Simon Rewell, road safety manager, Insure the Box - Running a Road Safety GB regional group
Facilitated by Alan Kennedy, Executive Director, Road Safety GB & Alison Williams, Chair of Road Safety GB Mercia Region
Delegates will be invited closer to the time to register in advance if they would like to attend one of the workshops.
Delegate registration
Delegate registration is open and the full residential fee is £355 for Road Safety GB/Academy members, and £445 for other attendees. The residential rate includes all conference sessions, refreshments throughout the two days, overnight accommodation and the conference dinner.
Day delegate places are available for both or either day, from £105 (all prices plus VAT).
Click here to book a place to attend, or for more information contact Sally Bartrum (delegate registration) or Nick Rawlings (agenda/speakers etc) on 01379 650112.
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