Network Rail calls for tougher action on level crossing misuse

14.29 | 11 March 2010 |

Network Rail has called on the government do more to force motorists to drive safely at level crossings.

A collision between a train and a motor vehicle on a level crossing is the single biggest risk of a catastrophic incident on the railway, and Network Rail says that on average three drivers a week ‘dice with death’ by trying to jump barriers at level crossings.

In total, there were more than 3,200 recorded incidents of misuse at level crossings in 2009, including 14 vehicle collisions with trains and 13 deaths.

Network Rail wants the driving theory test to include compulsory questions on level crossings to enforce learner drivers’ understanding of the Highway Code, and stamp out behaviour such as dodging around barriers and running red lights as trains approach.

Click here to read the full Network Rail news release.



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